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Importing increasing length video file

Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 19:37
by SYoung
Hi all

Nightmare...(Standard 32, MacBookPro)

Arrgh! Simple question, how can I import increasing length of video footage daily? I worked it out a few days ago but the solution is so confusing that I've forgotten it!
If TV Paint imports the exact length of the previous footage, how do I tell it that I want a new import, and do I have to mark in/out frames?
At the moment I can't import the new day of shooting, only what we shot yesterday, so I am stuck.
Every time I try to mark my in and out points, TV Paint reverts to the previous frames and lengths, so how do I make TV Paint select an increasing timeframe video file?

Fingers crossed, I'll understand this programme one day!


Re: Importing increasing length video file

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 03:24
by SYoung
Success! Whole file plays after I shut down then restart TVPaint. I am importing dailies as mp4 files, but the mark out frame always reverts to the previous amount of frames imported, and the file stops playing at that frame, then after restarting TVPaint, the whole file plays. It would be good to know how to avoid having to restart the programme, and understand why it reverts to the previous frame length, as there must be a reason for this?