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neon fluorescent lighting

Post by BJTrakman »

I'm currently experimenting with neon fluorescent lighting. Until now I've been using a couple of the aquarelle brushes in the creative pack for frame-by-frame animation of this kind of light, which is great in many respects, but I'm wondering what effects - or combination of effects - I might use to save time and enhance the 'phosphorescence' of certain elements.

Thank you! :)

(Please excuse me if this has been covered; I've tried a few search terms on these forums, and had another look through the tutorials, but I wasn't able to find anything; if there are past explanations, I would greatly appreciate a link.)
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Re: neon fluorescent lighting

Post by slowtiger »

Any digital neon effect basically consists of 2 parts: the light, and the glow. Here's how I do it:
neon.jpg (41.54 KiB) Viewed 14583 times
Draw a line in a saturated light colour. Preserve transparency. Use the airbrush tool and add some lighter colour. Use it again with nearly white (this way you can create real volume, like in a neon sign). Create new layer, use airbrush again, but larger, with something like your original colour.

There's other ways to do this, especially using some glow FX.
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Re: neon fluorescent lighting

Post by Elodie »

I took some Slowtiger's and I tried to create a simpler way to get what you want.
I hope it will help !
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Re: neon fluorescent lighting

Post by BJTrakman »

Thanks for the fantastic breakdown of the manual method, slowtiger, and for the wonderfully simplistic FX method, Elodie. Lots for me to experiment with now. :)
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