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Imported png's not showing up in the timeline

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 17:09
by BruceM
I'm attempting to import a clip of png's into a new project. When it loads the clip, it shows up as one image in the timeline on frame 1. Nothing after that.
When I click on the "Project" button, I can see that the images are all there. How do I get the frames from the clip to show up in the timeline? Any help is greatly appreciated!


Re: Imported png's not showing up in the timeline

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 19:29
by meslin
Is this it?

On the import dialogue, on the project tab, change the Split Scene setting to "Image."
Import PNG sequence into One Clip.gif
Import PNG sequence into One Clip.gif (62.88 KiB) Viewed 13018 times

Re: Imported png's not showing up in the timeline

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 19:52
by BruceM
No that didn't do it. In fact, the Project tab now shows that there's only 1 image in there, rather than all of the clip's images. Any other thoughts?


Re: Imported png's not showing up in the timeline

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 20:47
by slowtiger
How are the files named? TVP only imports something like a01, a02, a03 etc, but not a01, b02, or a01, a12, a21. There can't be any gaps in numbering.

Re: Imported png's not showing up in the timeline

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 20:56
by BruceM
Thanks Slowtiger! As it turns out, Paul Fierlinger caught what the issue was and set me straight. I was trying to import the png's by using the "project" tab in the import window, rather than the "clip" tab.
Thank you, and thank you, Meslin, for helping me out!