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Auto scrubbing while drawing (without ctrl), flickering curs

Posted: 19 Nov 2016, 14:56
by BJTrakman
I hope this is my final question since reinstalling TVP 11.0.3, but when I'm working quickly, for some reason, without hitting ctrl, I start to draw on multiple frames... ie. it starts to scrub along the timeline randomly, and it happens A LOT. I us a Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 and have 2 of the rocker ring buttons assigned to switch between rooms, and the other two (even more commonly used) assigned to undo and redo. These are usually the buttons that I'm using most when this happens. On top of this, my cursor flickers quite a lot, a radial menu (that I've now deleted) would appear intermittently, and the key 'shortcuts' menu will also popup quite a bit, out of nowhere, whil I'm trying to draw.

WTF is going on in my expensive software? I've really needed it over the past few days but I've been crippled by problem after problem. This one seems to have resurfaced a couple of times, so a fix would be fantastic. I'll try to take a vid, although I don't see the point as the mucked up processes are exactly as erratic and strange as I've described them. Any help is appreciated, as I am obviously at the end of my tether. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Hmm, this isn't ideal, but it may have isolated the problem (and it might have to do, for now anyway). I set one of the express keys to 'toggle touch' and while it's turned off, I haven't had so many strange behaviours... I didn't think I was touching all that much other than the pen - but hey, can't argue with results!... So does anyone have any insight based on this breakthrough? Could my touch settings be a bit bonkers? (Note that I use the Wacom-backed 2-finger glove, but I've found it practically useless.)

Re: Auto scrubbing while drawing (without ctrl), flickering

Posted: 19 Nov 2016, 18:19
by slowtiger
Touch settings can be pretty disrupting. I've disabled all buttons on my Cintiq because I was always triggering some unwanted behaviour with my elbow or sleeve. To check, you should disable all touch gestures and test if that strange behaviour happens again.

Re: Auto scrubbing while drawing (without ctrl), flickering

Posted: 20 Nov 2016, 00:13
by schwarzgrau
Same here. The TVPaint developers said a while ago they'll try to integrate touch-functions and palm detection in some way, but it seems this will take a while. Till then I made my top-express-key toggle touch on and off, if I'm outside of TVPaint. So always before I start TVPaint I turn off touch (I rarely use it, only if I want to copy some stuff and don't want to plug in a mouse)

Re: Auto scrubbing while drawing (without ctrl), flickering

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 07:34
by Elodie
(Note that I use the Wacom-backed 2-finger glove, but I've found it practically useless.)
Note that the glove has no magic power : it is just there to avoid you to wet your tablet because of the warm screen and let your hand slides more easily when you draw.

For the rest : I usually switch off touch options too. With the next Mobile Studio Pro, I must admit I had much less trouble than other Cintiq with the touch mode switched on.