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copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 16:35
by furushil

a strange behavior occurs when you copy and paste layers from one scene to another.

1. create a project with two scenes (first scene with three layers (red and blue), second scene with one layer (green)).
2. go to the first scene, mark two layers and copy them (the layers have to remain selected)
3. go to the second scene and paste the layers
4. the layer in the second scene will disappear
copy and paste layers.png
To avoid this you have to deselect the two layers after you copied them.

It is not a big problem but sometimes you realize too late that one layer is missing.

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 15 Dec 2016, 18:36
by Elodie
That's not a bug, but I understand you find this disturbing.

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 07:09
by Elodie
I don't have the trouble you mention : if I copy paste layers from a clip to another, it does not ovewrite the current layer (except if it's selected, with the title in green, which is not the case by default) :
copy paste
(4.78 MiB) Downloaded 1017 times

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 09:55
by furushil
There is a misunderstanding.
You have to create a project with two scenes in the project tab (see screenshot, first point).

I can also record a video later to show better what I mean.

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 10:39
by Elodie
I don't have the problem either when I copy paste between two scenes / clips, so a video is welcome :)

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 13:56
by furushil
Here is a video that makes it more clear, hopefully:
copy paste
(3.67 MiB) Downloaded 982 times
You have to copy two layers to see the problem.
If you only copy one layer, you have to select the layer so that it is blue, then the problem also occurs.

I understand that when a layer is selected blue it gets overwritten by the layers you paste. When you go to another scene though, no layer is selected blue and gets overwritten anyway because other layers in a different scene are still selected blue.
It is just strange that two different scenes don't get fully separated by the program.

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 14:31
by Elodie
I can select 1, 2 40 layers, and paste them in clips or project : it never overwrites the current layer :/
So I cannot explain why it's working badly on your TVPaint :/ (and we have the same OS...)

Re: copy& paste strange behavior, possibly bug

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 18:00
by furushil
I think I found the "problem".
You have to use the timeline view in the project tab. Don't double-click on the thumbnail but use the "Clip: Timeline" tab.
When you use double-click to enter a scene, you automatically deselect the layers. In timeline view you can scrub through and click on the "Clip: Timeline" tab. This way the layers remain selected.

Also related to this, still in timeline view:

When you mark some frames and go to a different scene, the frames are still marked.

See this video (again don't double-click on the thumbnail but use the "Clip: Timeline" tab):
(3.4 MiB) Downloaded 970 times
The whole topic may sound silly now but I never used double-click to enter a scene. It is just my feedback on the behavior at this point.

Pasting a layer thing

Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 22:05
by David_Fine
When I paste a layer, usually it will be pasted above the layer which is currently selected, but sometimes it overwrites the selected layer, which is not what I want. I undo and do it again and it pastes correctly, so why does it sometimes overwrite and how can I avoid it?

Re: Pasting a layer thing

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 09:43
by furushil
Please see here : viewtopic.php?f=10&t=10384" onclick=";return false;

The solution is also described there.

It is a little bit difficult to explain but make sure that the layer name is not marked blue before you paste your layer. You can go one frame left or right before your paste to avoid the problem.

Re: Pasting a layer thing

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 10:39
by Elodie
Thanks Furushil ! I remembered reading a similar request not so long ago, but could not remember who wrote it :oops:

David : if you confirm me having the exact same issue, I will merge both topic.

Re: Pasting a layer thing

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 12:59
by D.T. Nethery
David_Fine wrote:When I paste a layer, usually it will be pasted above the layer which is currently selected, but sometimes it overwrites the selected layer, which is not what I want. I undo and do it again and it pastes correctly, so why does it sometimes overwrite and how can I avoid it?
I have experienced the same issue that David Fine describes.

Re: Pasting a layer thing

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 23:44
by David_Fine
In the other thread, the video posted shows what happens to me, so yeah, it appears to be the same problem.

Re: Pasting a layer thing

Posted: 07 Feb 2017, 06:25
by Elodie
Ok, topic merged.