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Hot keys from PROJECT to Clip

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 14:54
by Animationriver
I'm using. Hotkeys.
Tell me please.
How to assign hotkeys to these two windows?
"Project" to "Clip:Timeline" and back.
It is important for me to quickly switch from one to another, while creating a storyboard. :D

Re: Hot keys from PROJECT to Clip

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 09:53
by Johannes
i have not found a shortcut for that but you can set up rooms in tvpaint they are like workspaces in the adobe world. You can have one room with the timeline tab and one with the project tab. You can switch with cmd + 1 / cmd + 3 etc.

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Re: Hot keys from PROJECT to Clip

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 11:20
by Animationriver
Johannes wrote: 10 Mar 2018, 09:53 Hello,
i have not found a shortcut for that but you can set up rooms in tvpaint they are like workspaces in the adobe world. You can have one room with the timeline tab and one with the project tab. You can switch with cmd + 1 / cmd + 3 etc.


I'll try your idea! Thank you! :D

Re: Hot keys from PROJECT to Clip

Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 06:54
by tribute27
When you configure Keyboard shortcuts, you can assign shortcuts to "Interface: Open Project Panel" and "Interface: Open Timeline Panel" (there's a handy search bar on the top right). that's how you can quickly shift between them!

Re: Hot keys from PROJECT to Clip

Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 10:02
by Animationriver
tribute27 wrote: 16 Mar 2018, 06:54 When you configure Keyboard shortcuts, you can assign shortcuts to "Interface: Open Project Panel" and "Interface: Open Timeline Panel" (there's a handy search bar on the top right). that's how you can quickly shift between them!