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Having issues Opening File

Posted: 14 May 2018, 19:54
by Poob-keener
Good afrernoon,

I have created this thread in order to see if anyone could help me comphrehend as to what or how to solve my problem, that being my incapability of accessing one of my tvpaint files. To preface, I do not believe my animation is truely corrupted or diminished in any capacity, given that the file I am providing in this document is of a previous saved version that I luckily had on my external hard drive before anything went wrong. Speaking of, my original file was severly diminished in size after the program was bugging out on me (i.e. couldn't draw, saving was abnormal), and somehow that culminated in the file that I had contantly saved time and time again to somehow be cleared in its near entirty, even though I have given over 3 months of more time and dedication towards saving properly and regularly, as well as backing up a failsafe onto my mentioned external hard drive. Even though I did had the previous save at my disposal, when I tried to open that version of my file in tvpaint, I still recieved the same result of an untitled document and blank screen. I am being entirely earnest when I say to I would greatly appreciate some assistance in knowing if my project is salvagable.

Thank you for your consideration

File Link: ... sp=sharing (Fairly large file)

Re: Having issues Opening File

Posted: 14 May 2018, 21:05
by Animark
Hello Poob-keener,
to get some help from the TVPaint team, you should post your pc-specs and the exactly version of the TVPaint you are using.

For me, your file is working (2329 Frames of crazy rabbit animation .. or so). But I don't really understand your question. Is this file not working for you? Or are you afraid of loosing files in the future?

Re: Having issues Opening File

Posted: 15 May 2018, 14:50
by Poob-keener
My issue with the program lies in it not being able to open this file specifically, ever since saturday afternoon. I've never had an issue to this extent with tvpaint, which has led me to believe that there may be some problems that belie the surface of just one of my files not working. For my specs, my computer operates on Windows 10 Home, x64 bit, with an i7 processor. Currently I'm am using Tvpaint Version 10.0.16 for my animation, but will be purchasing the upgrade to 11 due to these issues. Although, I have downloaded the demo for version 11 for windows/64 bit, and tried to open my files in it, yet was still incapable my file, along with many other files that I had no problem with otherwise. Any advice with this?

Re: Having issues Opening File

Posted: 15 May 2018, 16:13
by Animark
Difficult. 10.0.16 is totally outdated. If it is a legal version, you could update to 10.5.7 for free (if I am not wrong here). If its not legal, you are wasting our time :D.

The file you posted looks OK for me. I can open it (TVPaint 11.0.8) and it is a lot of animation in it. You could make a test. Download the file by yourself to another harddisk (or usb drive) and try. If that works, I would assume a problem with your harddisk. But there are many possibilities why you may have problems with different files.

From my experience files can only get corrupt while saving to hard disk. For example, when the connection to the disk get lost during the save. Or when the network disconnects for a moment when saving files over network. Sometimes people unplug a usb drive before the saving process is finnished. Or someone unplugges the TVPaint-Dongle during the save. Or your USB connection is in a bad condition. And so on.

Re: Having issues Opening File

Posted: 15 May 2018, 17:48
by Poob-keener
I don't believe that my hard disk drive would be the source of the problem, and it may have been more of a connectivity issue between the program and the file. Overall I am not sure, but I am happy that the file is still intact. I'll follow through on your advice and see if I get everything in working order.