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Shift straight line

Posted: 31 May 2018, 15:49
by Flowizard
I'm having a small problem in TvPaint. Whenever I use shift to make straight lines I get a small artifact at the beginning of the line(see attachment). It's not a big deal since the line tool works great but I was still wondering if there's anything I can do?

Re: Shift straight line

Posted: 17 Jul 2018, 11:40
by melanie
Hi Flowizard,

Make sure to press the shift key and hold it before making your stroke.
If you press it while making the line or slightly after, you might get some disturbance at the beginning of the stroke.

Re: Shift straight line

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 08:24
by Flowizard
It still happens even if shift is pressed down well before making a stroke. I think the problem is that the program doesn't lock the cursor to the axis unless I move the stylus before I actually touch the screen because if I press Shift->move stylus in the air-> draw on tablet-> no artifact(though the stroke may not be exactly where I want it) and if I press Shift-> draw on tablet-> artifact.

Re: Shift straight line

Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 02:36
by TristanMarx
I have this happen as well. My workaround is to “ghost" the line I’m about you draw once or twice before drawing the line. It help the software calibrate