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Papers propertis change from tablet information feed

Posted: 20 May 2007, 19:42
by jbardakos

example ..

with the PencilBrush we can change Size,Power,Aspect,Angle blah blah
with a big variety of options (Random,Pressure,Fade,Direction blah blah)

Is it possible to have this on the Size,Hardness and Rotation for a Paper?
I would like that while emulating depth of texture (and resizing it )
with one singe brush stroke instead of changing gradually the size of each paper...

just a thought... :D


Posted: 20 May 2007, 21:08
by Patrice
Hi jbardakos,
I think this feature can be a great addition but not for the next update. I write it into the features list in order to add it in a future release.

Thank you for your suggestion.


Posted: 20 May 2007, 21:44
by fabrice_
I suggest also to add a gamma / luminosity option for the papers.