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Posted: 23 Dec 2019, 20:55
by Animationriver
Hello. I installed TVpoint 11.09. Then he returned on 11.08. The reason is simple on my computer (Mac OS Sierra) there were delays and glitches when displaying the menu when working with time line. Question. Has anything changed? Can I safely download and install 11.09? Or should I wait 11.10?

Re: 11.10?

Posted: 23 Dec 2019, 22:11
by slowtiger
I recommend to wait. (Also, there's no one in the office till next year.)

Re: 11.10?

Posted: 24 Dec 2019, 08:31
by CorentinB
I can confirm, we are few in the office and the best for you is to wait with TVPaint 11.08. We are aware of this problem and we try to solve this for the 11.10.

Re: 11.10?

Posted: 24 Dec 2019, 14:35
by Animationriver
I am happy to have received an answer. I am reconstructing the expectations within myself. Thanks a lot! Happy holiday to all friends! My smile is the whole team and all in love with the convenience of TVP!

:D :D :D