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Colo&Texture bug

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 17:56
by Peter Wassink
After two years this bug is still there.

see topic:

Editing colors in the color and texture layer causes a bug.
we are trying to replace all the colors from a C&T layer but after apply changes some squigles wont work anymore....
after editing all colors one no longer works...leaving holes where there first was color.
its a bit hard to replicate but with enough frames and enough squigle colors it will happen.

Re: Colo&Texture bug

Posted: 09 Jul 2021, 16:55
by Thierry
Hi Peter,

Do you still have those issues?
I tested on v11.5.2 on a project with ~10 colors, and I can't replicate it.

Re: Colo&Texture bug

Posted: 08 Sep 2021, 13:34
by Peter Wassink
it seems to work fine now.