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TVP saves empty Projects

Posted: 08 Dec 2020, 13:36
by m-ries
Hello everyone,

since yesterday I have a huge problem. Whenever I save a Project and re-open it, the file is empty.
I could solve the Problem by creating a new config file via startup panel, but sadly all of yesterday's work seems lost.
I tried if I could open yesterday's files with the new config, but they indeed seem empty.
I can recreate the issue by moving back to the old config file – does not make any difference whether I create a large Project, e.g. by importing long sequences and then save, or just drawing a few frames. Also, it does not make any difference to just create the file by saving once or to save multiple times after – the file stays at around 4 mb in size and does not change.

Has this problem ever happened to you? Is ist possible to solve it in an other way than creating a new Config file (I would love to avoid the work of restoring all my brushes and custom panels) and what can I do to prevent this in the future?
This is the second time since summer I am having a severe problem with saving; last issue was the thing about TVP freezing in "save as" dialogue.

I am using TVP Pro 11.5.0-64bit on Mac OS Catalina

Best regards and stay safe

Re: TVP saves empty Projects

Posted: 08 Dec 2020, 17:16
by Dean
Hello Matthias,
What is the average weight of the saved files? Is there nothing in the Project tab as well?

Re: TVP saves empty Projects

Posted: 08 Dec 2020, 18:04
by m-ries
Hi Dean,

haha, you had a good point there :D :D

Sorry, I looked everywhere but forgot to check the project tab – spontaneous blindness :-)
Still a bit weird:
What TVP seems to do is creating another Clip besides the one I was working on.
When I re-open the document all I see is the empty clip, but when I check the project tab I see the original clip containing my content, second to the empty one.
What's funny about this is that the empty clip seems to be created automatically when saving – I double-checked and before saving it does not exist.
Any idea?

Thanks so far! I was so stressed that I really oversaw this ^^
