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shape settings source change

Posted: 18 Mar 2021, 20:53
by hilere
In the shape settings the source can be set to previous image and next image (amongst other settings). This would better be previous instance and next instance, since you always want to refer to your previous or next drawing and not to the previous or next frame.

This would not make a difference for the previous , since when you'r on the image head the previous instance and the previous frame are the same. But it would make a huge difference on the next, since the next image is not the same as the next instance from the moment you have more than one frame per instance, which is when you are animating pretty much all the time. The next image option is therefore pretty much redundant.

Re: shape settings source change

Posted: 18 Mar 2021, 22:49
by Peter Wassink
Isn't that source setting in the shape settings panel only applying to the healing Tool?
I never really use this drawing mode

I guess i'm just curious how you use that in your work.

Re: shape settings source change

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 19:36
by hilere
Peter, I created several years ago (with the help of Elodie) a TVPaint version of what in photoshop is called the stamp tool. So I can paint parts over from an image I have put in the spare, or the previous or the next image.

This next image is not working because it looks at the next image, where it is more logical it looks at the next instance.

This stamp tool is very should be part of the standart TVP tools. My students always are very impressed by what this does for their workflow. It saves a lot of time. For example when a character is standing in place you just paint the feet over to the next images. Or when you have part of a drawing that needs to move over a few pixels...with the stamp tool you can move it over without quality loss. Here a toolbox with the clone stamp tool:
clone stamp.tvpx
(52.5 KiB) Downloaded 1032 times

Re: shape settings source change

Posted: 05 Apr 2021, 23:13
by Padruig
+1 for this change or at least added option
by Peter Wassink ยป Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:49 pm

Isn't that source setting in the shape settings panel only applying to the healing Tool?
I never really use this drawing mode
I set the filled stroke tool to "Panto" then selecting "previous" from the shape setting, you can essentially trace any part of your previous drawing to your current frame. Super useful. Not as useful when set the shape settings to next image as outlined by hilere.

Re: shape settings source change

Posted: 08 Nov 2023, 12:55
by Soom
+1 to this request.
I always thought that it does refer to the previous instance (because usually when you are on the instance head, it's natural that the previous frame is also the previous instance), until we tried using Next Image source and discovered that it's the next frame and not the instance. Referring frames has no sense at all because they display the same instance anyway. Referring instances is the only logical method. Please fix that.