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remember ligth table "out of peg" change

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 02:08
by condepablo
Hi. I think it would be useful the possibility of remember the "out of peg" change. so you can reset and get back easily

Re: remember ligth table "out of peg" change

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 13:56
by D.T. Nethery
condepablo wrote: 08 Apr 2021, 02:08 Hi. I think it would be useful the possibility of remember the "out of peg" change. so you can reset and get back easily
I like your suggestion to have Remember Peg and Apply Peg as menu items under Options, but there does already exist a way to save out-of-pegs positions,
in the Bin . So, for example, if I want to save the out-of-pegs positions for inbetween drawing #2 (between 1 and 3) , I can click on Bin > Add to Bin
and name it appropriately , something like inb_2 . Then if I need to go back to those exact out-of-pegs coordinates , I just click on inb_2 in my Bin.
Save OutOfPegs In Bin.png
Save OutOfPegs In Bin.png (67.28 KiB) Viewed 8667 times
I notice this is not mentioned in the User Manual in the section on the Out-of-Pegs function , so it would be easy to overlook. ... -tools-oop

Re: remember ligth table "out of peg" change

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 21:56
by condepablo
Thanks. that would work. but that not only save the out of peg, it save all the ligth table propertyes.
I think a quick remember/apply could be useful. specially beacuse you dont neet to save it with any preset name, Im thinking, if I have to save eveytime I want to remember my out of peg, I'm going to end up having a lot of presets.