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Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 13:09
by schwarzgrau
Yesterday, while I had to animate a wagging tail I (finally!) discovered the Repeat Image Feature and was sooooo excited. That's such a great feature, I wonder why it took me so long to discover it. So first of all, thank you for this great feature!

While it's great I think it could be improved by setting the looping range in an easier way.
Currently it looks like this

But it would be great if there would be a better indicator which frames get looped. Something like this

Or maybe even a bar, which in and out points you could adjust with your cursor

I don't know if any of this would be possible with the current core, but it would be great. However, thank you for this feature again.

Re: Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 27 Jul 2021, 11:15
by Peter Wassink
Haha, isn't it nice how tvpaint can still surprise you after many years.

your suggestions are great, though i'm not sure how hight they curently would fit.... priority wise.
As i was thinking about them, and also reading the request for improvement of the progres profile.
i thought maybe we could try and think bigger(=further into the future.)
instead of adding yet another interface element on top of the rest, rethink the way the timeline displays both drawings and effects.

we could introduce FX layers that contain the timerelated elements of the fxstack like the FX-keys but with integrated spline graphs

then the repeat image function could also be displayed there and it could look like you proposed in that third image, but displayed in the fxlayers portion of the layerpanel.

ah well nevermind... i think i'm now proposing to add aftereffects into tvpaint...

Re: Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 27 Jul 2021, 16:39
by schwarzgrau
Peter Wassink wrote: 27 Jul 2021, 11:15 ah well nevermind... i think i'm now proposing to add aftereffects into tvpaint...
Haha I thought "Oh great idea", till I read this sentence.
But at least have a better indication of the repeated frames would be really nice. And you're right maybe nothing for V11 but maybe something to consider for V12

Re: Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 31 Mar 2022, 06:12
by condepablo
Hi there. Another think it would be great for the repeat image is if it would be able to work on draws (instead of frames), so you could be able to retiming and the repeat image will still repeating the same ammount of draws.
and when you put it on random, should be respect the exposure too. otherwise, if you are working on 2s or 3s, the randow works on 1s and it´s not useful

Re: Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 11:14
by NathanOtano
I agree that alternatively, looping instances instead of a timing would be awesome :)

Re: Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 15:14
by Svengali
Here's a script I wrote in 2021 that lets you mark/unmark FF-type repeats (loop, pingpong, random) and prepare exposure frames for export. Might be useful...
RepeatImages.png (23.64 KiB) Viewed 4413 times
Option 3 (the export option) owes credit to schwarzgrau for his scripting merge innovation!


Re: Repeat Image Feature set range

Posted: 11 Apr 2022, 13:08
by NathanOtano
Awesome :)