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stretch layer length

Posted: 12 Oct 2021, 21:10
by condepablo
It would be really usefull to have a button to expand or strech the layer duration on selected layers, so you can easily make all layers end in the same frame.
I search in the forum but I didnt find anything about this.

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 14 Oct 2021, 12:20
by NathanOtano
You can have a look at my storyboard scripts where there is scripts to expend layer to clip length : viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10376

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 00:20
by condepablo
NathanOtano wrote: 14 Oct 2021, 12:20 You can have a look at my storyboard scripts where there is scripts to expend layer to clip length : viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10376
thanks! But I have tried and my tvpaint crashes everytime. I have standar edition (11.5) maybe only works on pro?

and I couldnt find which one would work with what I need :(

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 14:50
by NathanOtano
Ah maybe, some functions are grabing clip length but I don't know if it should still work. Sorry
You have to use "Layer Stretch to Marks" and if you have no marks, "Marks set to clip extremes" or "Marks set to layer extremes" or to set a Marck yourself before use I think

Without a mark you can't tell where it should end. Maybe it's why you have a crash?

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 16 Oct 2021, 01:35
by condepablo
the "Layer strech to mark" works. the other ones crash my tvp :(

i was testing the "Layer strech to mark", and it doesnt work exactly as I need. because it change the begining of my layers. im only want to define the end of them

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 16 Oct 2021, 17:48
by Svengali
Try this Script: "ExtendAllLayers". It automatically selects length of the longest layer with an option to make ALL OTHER LAYERS the same length.

You can also choose a new, longer length FOR ALL LAYERS including the current longest layer by adjusting the slider to the new length.

If you want to restore the newly extended, new lengths for ALL LAYERS to their original lengths, you can do so with an immediate UNDO.

Post any problem here...


EDIT: Notice, I found a bug in the original script, corrected it and reposted the update. Originally, I intended to EXCLUDE any layers which were INACTIVE from being extended. The original version did not exclude inactive layers...
The new version, uploaded October 17, 2021 now works as intended and will EXCLUDE any layers which are INACTIVE from being extended. Sorry for that.

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 16 Oct 2021, 19:36
by NathanOtano
neat script sven thanks :)

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 17 Oct 2021, 00:36
by condepablo
Thanks Svengali!

I was testing the script. but I have some observation that could make this one step foward!:

1-apply to selected layers instead on all (or at least preserve the locked ones)
2-use as final frame the last frame on selected layer
3-add the posibility to shrink too

example attached

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 17 Oct 2021, 04:39
by Svengali
I think the script should stand as first posted.

I updated the original script which now works as intended. It will IGNORE any layers which are set to INACTIVE so that they WON'T BE EXTENDED.

On the otherhand, uniformly shortening multiple layers' lengths presents a scripting nightmare in part because existing frames could be unintentionally destroyed (something I try to avoid in all my scripts).

Also during testing I discovered that the start frame for any active layer doesn't have to be 1... it is only the final frame for each and all the layers that are stretched to the chosen layer length... the original intent of the script.

BTW, I neglected to mention that the maximum length that layers may be stretched to in this script is 1,000 frames...


Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 17 Oct 2021, 21:38
by condepablo
I´m not saying you have to do this. I'm only commented my idea of some tool that would be really useful. your script it's really useful though.


p.d: the link to download the upgrade version is the same?

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 01:14
by Svengali
condepablo wrote: 17 Oct 2021, 21:38 I´m not saying you have to do this. I'm only commented my idea of some tool that would be really useful. your script it's really useful though.


p.d: the link to download the upgrade version is the same?
Click on the original link which now downloads the tvpx for the fixed version... download and try it...

The "ExtendAllLayers" script was one I created several years ago and included a lot of other custom functionality for my own purposes, so I stripped it down and improved it to ignore INACTIVE LAYERS, similar to what you suggested. I Hope other TVPaint users find ExtendAllLayers helpful too. :D


Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 16:21
by NathanOtano
I agree that scripting this on my storyboard panel was a pain in the neck... Those involve a lot of trial and error and mutilple specific cases : when trying to satisfy and end and a beginning you need to do lot's of checks and maths. That why I put mark ins and out and the shrink to them, it's a bit easier to manage when storyboarding (but not much more). Also when changing the timing of a shot in the project view, it puts mark in and out so that's why I tend to systematically use it

Re: stretch layer length

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 22:32
by condepablo
I understand.

unfortunately for me, I have no idea about george script. so thats why Im very limitated with my custom creations on tvp. the sames happens to me on after effects