JSON to AFX Camera Issue

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Joined: 04 Jul 2011, 16:33

JSON to AFX Camera Issue

Post by Padruig »

I am exporting my TVPaint files into to AFX for comp and it all works well enough except for the camera. It doesn't import correctly. I have the camera option checked when I am importing into AFX and it does create the camera start and stop locations but it seems to ignore any information from the time profile curve in TVPaint file. As a result the camera just kind of creeps for the entire scene when there should be holds and ease ins and outs.

Is the script just limited in this way? Or am I missing a setting? Thanks for your help.

macOS Catalina(10.15.7)
TVPaint Pro 11.0.10 (I am aware of the 11.5 upgrade but have to hold off until my film is complete. Nearly time to upgrade and looking forward to it :D )
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