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Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 18 Sep 2022, 15:36
by BinaryD00D
Hello there, I got TVP 11.5 in the under the new WIBU system. I am authentified, however, it is a pain rehosting it on my Thinkpad everytime I want to work outside home.

I heard in the past there was an option to spend 75 euros extra to buy a dongle with the same license. Is that still a possibility? I don't see why we can't have the dongle for convenience and WIBU for security.

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 13:23
by Dean
Hello, new dongle models are available for WIBU licenses, but they have become very "niche" now and contain more expensive components for extreme durability.
Send us an email via our contact form if you are interested in getting one.

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 22:39
by BinaryD00D
Thank you for the answer! I sent an e-mail to the same address I used to get my TVP11 license, is that okay?

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 07:32
by Dean
Please use the contact form on our website, as addresses which dispense our automatic notification emails are the "do not reply" type.

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 16:50
by BinaryD00D
I got an e-mail back saying that if I got a dongle I would loose my dongleless version, so I opted not to... Though they could work together.

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 07:06
by Dean
The license would be inside the dongle, so unless you have 2 licenses, one on a dongle and one dematerialized.

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 09:03
by ematecki
With WIBU, there is a distinction between the license, and the container of the license.
If you buy one license, you can run one copy of TVPaint.
You can move freely your license between containers (the most common containers are your computer (dongleless version), a dongle, and the server).
The dongleless version uses your computer as container, rehosting means moving your license to the server, then back to another computer.
But we can also move your license onto a dongle, in this case obviously the dongle has to be plugged in the computer where you run TVPaint.
Wibu dongles can contain multiple licences if needed.

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 15:40
by BinaryD00D
ematecki wrote: 22 Sep 2022, 09:03 With WIBU, there is a distinction between the license, and the container of the license.
If you buy one license, you can run one copy of TVPaint.
You can move freely your license between containers (the most common containers are your computer (dongleless version), a dongle, and the server).
The dongleless version uses your computer as container, rehosting means moving your license to the server, then back to another computer.
But we can also move your license onto a dongle, in this case obviously the dongle has to be plugged in the computer where you run TVPaint.
Wibu dongles can contain multiple licences if needed.
So... if the dongless WIBU license is moved into the dongle (assuming it becomes available), would I be able to move it back into my computer?

Re: Can I just buy a dongle?

Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 08:31
by Dean
Just to add some information to Eric's post: license migration from old dongle to new dongle models/dongleless are handled only by us.