Change the Text color on audio track Annotation

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D.T. Nethery
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Change the Text color on audio track Annotation

Post by D.T. Nethery »

I find that adding annotations to a dialogue track can be useful, but the black text is difficult to read.

My request is that the annotation text be changed so it is slightly larger, bold, WHITE text for the Orage dark color scheme .(this might need to be different for the lighter Acier color scheme ?) Or make it so the user can change the color of the text to what they prefer. (so this would be an option in Preferences)

(click image to see it full size)

Even if the text size is the same size as the current text , if it were BOLD and WHITE I think it would read better. (although I think making the annotation text slightly larger would also help)
(click image to see it full size)

Here's one more idea: make the lettering BOLD and WHITE , and also lighten the color on the sound wave graphic , so the text stands out even more clearly.
TVPaint_annotated_audio_track _alternative_v3.jpg
(click image to see it full size)

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Re: Change the Text color on audio track Annotation

Post by TVPUSER »

This is a great idea, I'd very much appreciate any one of the suggested changes!
TVPaint 11.7.4, 12.0.2
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Re: Change the Text color on audio track Annotation

Post by Thierry »

I like this idea too, I'll add it to the list :)
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