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Improve function of Create New Project from Selected Clips

Posted: 25 Jul 2023, 18:06
by D.T. Nethery
I've been using Mads Juuls batch clip renamer script (MJ Clips Batch Rename 1_0.tvpx - found here: ... 03&p=47609 ).
It's a very useful script. I would love to see this script's function to batch rename multiple clips built-in to TVPaint. But that's not my main request here.

In this case, I have an Animatic project where the client did all scenes in a single clip on one continuous timeline. Let's call the project : ClientName_ Animatic (not the real name, but I'm under an NDA) . The first thing I did was split up the scenes to individual Clips so it is more manageable. Now I have a Project with 32 Clips/scenes, all named with this naming convention (using Mads Juul's script) - SC_1 , SC_2, SC_3 , SC_4, SC_5 , etc.

When I select a clip and right-click on it one of the options is Create New Project from Selected Clip. This is very useful, BUT when it creates a new Project from the Clip it would be nice if the new Project name included the Clip name, so the new project from clip is named: ClientName_ Animatic_SC_1 , instead of named ClientName_Animatic FromClip , which is the current naming convention given to new projects from clips. The designation "FromClip" is not necessarily useful to me. I would much prefer that it name the new project with the original project name + the name of the clip. Then I can simply save that new project and I don't have to spend time renaming it or removing "FromClip" from the name and appending the Clip/Scene name .

When Create New Project from Selected Clip is used I would like the new project's name to include the Clip Name, such as SCENE_01, or SC_01, SC_1, or CLIP_001, or SC_001a or whatever the clip name may be, appended after the original project's name , instead of the original project's name + "FromClip" appended to the project name the way it is now.

However, I recognize this could be a problem if the user is selecting multiple clips to Create a new project from selected Clips , because then which clip name does TVPaint choose to append to the new project name? BUT what I was wondering is if it might be possible to have the option when a single clip is selected to create a new project, if the default name would be the clip name appended to the original project name (rather than FromClip) ? I hope that makes sense.
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The appended "FromClip" in the current naming convention is not very descriptive. It should be the Clip Name .
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Screen Shot 2023-07-25 at 2.13.11 PM.png (23.88 KiB) Viewed 14339 times