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[TVP12] Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers

Posted: 30 May 2024, 16:01
by ini
Currently Folder opacity is affecting opcity of invidual layers,

Is this what the folder opacity supposed to do?

I thought It would not be blended, like this

Re: [TVP12] Currently Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers,

Posted: 30 May 2024, 16:04
I was about to make a thread about this as well, right now layer folders is not behaving like how many of us expect when it comes to toggling visibility and opacity

almost every other graphics editing program, layer folders toggles everything as a whole while maintaining any muted elements, the same thing goes for opacity.

Re: [TVP12] Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers

Posted: 31 May 2024, 18:53
by Peter Wassink
I agree, obviously changing the folder opacity should effect the combined folder output as if it was one layer.
and not each individual one and then add those up...

I also think we should be able to move all layers inside the folder along the timeline in one go, by simply dragging the folder layer to the desired frame.
And i would like the layer folder to also have its own pre and post behaviour just like layers have

Re: [TVP12] Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers

Posted: 31 May 2024, 18:59
by kelanhordos
^ +1 That would all be super useful with pre/post behavior!

Regarding moving all layers in the folder: it looks like if you click on the folder name while already having the folder selected, it highlights all the layers within(it will be grey when the folder is selected and then turn blue on the folder and all layers), and you can then move a single layer along the timeline and it will move all the layers. Similar to how you can do it with color groups I believe.

Re: [TVP12] Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers

Posted: 31 May 2024, 19:07
by Peter Wassink
kelanhordos wrote: 31 May 2024, 18:59 Regarding moving all layers in the folder: it looks like if you click on the folder name while already having the folder selected, it highlights all the layers within(it will be grey when the folder is selected and then turn blue on the folder and all layers), and you can then move a single layer along the timeline and it will move all the layers. Similar to how you can do it with color groups I believe.
Thats correct.
But i am disappointed, for it would make it a much better UI experience if the folder had a interactive layer element to drag it.

Because now if the folder is folded you cannot move it at all! so you then have to:
1) first unfold it
2) then double click to select all layers
3) then drag all the layers to where you want
4) then fold it up again.

Whereas with a UI element you can
1) drag it to where you want

see the difference? :wink:

Re: [TVP12] Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers

Posted: 31 May 2024, 19:18
by kelanhordos
Yes, I totally agree that would be better!

Re: [TVP12] Folder opacity is affecting opacity of invidual layers

Posted: 01 Jun 2024, 15:29
Peter Wassink wrote: 31 May 2024, 19:07
kelanhordos wrote: 31 May 2024, 18:59 Regarding moving all layers in the folder: it looks like if you click on the folder name while already having the folder selected, it highlights all the layers within(it will be grey when the folder is selected and then turn blue on the folder and all layers), and you can then move a single layer along the timeline and it will move all the layers. Similar to how you can do it with color groups I believe.
Thats correct.
But i am disappointed, for it would make it a much better UI experience if the folder had a interactive layer element to drag it.

Because now if the folder is folded you cannot move it at all! so you then have to:
1) first unfold it
2) then double click to select all layers
3) then drag all the layers to where you want
4) then fold it up again.

Whereas with a UI element you can
1) drag it to where you want

see the difference? :wink:
I'm in agreeance here. The current layer folder system is a good step forward right now but we really need some work to make it more intuitive. When I first used tvpaint I was enamored with how it functioned like an application from another decade and lightly amused with how French the software was, to some of my peers it is way too foreign for them as they're used to Photoshop's paradigm. In all fairness Photoshop pretty much won out cause both closed source and open source software heavily borrow from photoshop's layer system, (we'll never escape PSD)