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TVPaint 12 is crashing when I am in the new camera layer [TVPA-3641]

Posted: 20 Jun 2024, 17:03
by marijaye
Just downloaded TVPaint 12 today and am poking around to see all the new stuff. Unfortunately, if I am in the camera layer on my 158 MB animatic, TVPaint crashes. Any time I click in it, the program goes down without any warning or message (video attached, the photo you see is just my screen saver).

I am about to wrap pre-production and enter production on my film, and I am very concerned about this! If it is not a known bug, I might ask to switch back to 11 until it is resolved so I do not lose my work.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Re: TVPaint 12 is crashing when I am in the new camera layer

Posted: 21 Jun 2024, 07:02
by Cardin

I have been able to consistently reproduce the TVP12 crash with the following conditions:

1) Open a TVP11 project that had a camera move created in TVP11.

2) Play WITHOUT camera View is enabled (camera layer Visibility is turned OFF)

3) Turn Visibility OFF for all layers that were initially created in TVP11.

Below is a screenshot of the video marijaye attached and all the above conditions are met (I'm assuming layers "coaster" and "Anim_3" were new layers created in TVP12).
tvp 11 to tvp12 camera bug.png

I tested multiple projects that I started in TVP11 and they all crashed with those conditions.

Re: TVPaint 12 is crashing when I am in the new camera layer [TVPA-3641]

Posted: 21 Jun 2024, 16:19
by marijaye
Thanks for running these tests, @Cardin!

It appears that if I can work around the crashing long enough to get rid of all the camera moves I made in 11, then maybe I can salvage my animatic in 12. Before I was aware that you ran your tests, I was working in that scene (with "coasters") and I incidentally rebuilt the camera move there. It has not crashed while I am in the camera layer since then, but I also have not opened the other scenes yet (most have camera moves made in 11.)

Based on what you've said, perhaps it is risky to bring TVP 11 projects over to 12 unless they are in early stages (sketches/animatics) so the bugs can be worked out! I am okay re-doing all of my cameras because I am still working out scenes, but talk to me after it crashes through all sixty four of them!

Re: TVPaint 12 is crashing when I am in the new camera layer [TVPA-3641]

Posted: 23 Jun 2024, 18:17
by Cardin
marijaye wrote: 21 Jun 2024, 16:19 Thanks for running these tests, @Cardin!
You're welcome. The video and details you shared provided the hints needed to reproduce the crash, so thank you.

Also discovered another condition that will reproduce the crash. First two points are the same (1)imported project with camera move created in earlier version and 2) camera visibility set to OFF) but the 3rd condition can be if ALL VISIBLE layers are set to exactly one frame, as shown in the video....
Sample project from Lesson 8 in the TVP11 Manual

Re: TVPaint 12 is crashing when I am in the new camera layer [TVPA-3641]

Posted: 27 Jun 2024, 07:03
by Kévin
Thank you for your feedback.
The bug has been fix, and it will be available in the next update.