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Paper Connections functionality [TVPA-3655]

Posted: 21 Jun 2024, 21:46
by kelanhordos
So this was kind of a stealth upgrade in v12 that I didn't notice at first, and was pretty blown away to see when I caught attention. Unfortunately there seems to be some buggy behaviour involved. There are also some presumptions on my part as to how it seems to be intended to work without the documentation, but I would like other people to be able to test and add their results, and if these are bugs to be looked at sooner than later. This option opens up a lot of potential power for the brush engine!

The main presumption I am working with is that the connections seem to be only an initial activation, and do not function in real time. This makes some sense with a number of the options, but I would hope/wish that eventually with the pressure setting it could function similarly to other programs that implement the function of showing more or less texture on a pressure curve.

I will attach videos below with demonstrations of the problems I've encountered.

Firstly, the pressure connection is broken. It only works on the first stroke, after which you get no line activation at all, not just with the paper. Strange enough if you use the "Swap Stylus" short-cut, it resets for one stroke. However if you switch tools manually it continues to not work after switching back to your initial brush. This is for both Hardness and Size. (There is a quick tests at the end where I flip to a filled page of the paper set to - degrees to show the angle is not changing, but I added another video below with more testing of the Angle and Pressure to make it clearer)
Pressure Hardness Size-1.mp4
(2.84 MiB) Downloaded 59 times
Further strange behaviour is that for angle this doesn't happen, but the angle doesn't change with pressure that I can tell, but at whatever angle you have the number set to. However this stops functioning after the first stroke, but your brush continues to work unlike with Hardness and Size. Resets with swap-stylus for one stroke as above but not manually changing brush.
Pressure Angle-1.mp4
(2.27 MiB) Downloaded 57 times
The other tests that were easiest to try were setting them all to Random. This seems to work on initial activation from what I can tell for both Hardness and Size, but when it comes to angle it does not function as expected as a connection the way it works with normal brushes. On brushes if random is selected for instance on aspect or jitter, it will randomly select along the profile curve. With the Paper Angle set to Random it seems to only function from 0 degress to the number you place in the box, and the curve functions that way, so if you want a full curve or near enough you need to set it to 359 degrees. This is a bit difficult to demonstrate but if you play around with it, it should work as described.
(6.27 MiB) Downloaded 53 times
Hopefully these videos are somewhat clear and I hope other people test it out. Please let me know and If needed I'll record with some audio over top.

Re: Paper Connections functionality

Posted: 23 Jun 2024, 12:17
by D.T. Nethery
Hi, Kelan ,

Thank you for doing all this work to document what needs to be fixed on this new function (paper connectivity). It must have been a "stealth upgrade" because I can't recall having seen this new feature mentioned. When they get the bugs worked out this will be a great improvement for creating custom brushes.

Re: Paper Connections functionality [TVPA-3655]

Posted: 28 Jun 2024, 10:16
by Léo
Hello kelanhordos,
I can confirm these bugs on our side, the devs will look at it as soon as possbile.
Thank you for this feedback !