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Paper causing a bug with Drying(off) [TVPA-3718]

Posted: 23 Sep 2024, 20:54
by kelanhordos
It took me a while to figure out exactly what was going on with this as I thought I was misapplying how to use the "drying on" and the "not drying" option. But, after scouring the forum and double/triple checking how it functions I believe I narrowed it down to having a paper toggled on is causing the non-drying to behave like drying. That is, you cannot prevent your strokes from overlapping with a paper enabled. I used the built in DSC5 brush, available by default in v11.7.3 and v12, and a default config file so I could make sure there were no other parameters interfering.

Please see video below. It starts in the demo version of TVPaint 11.7.3 for comparison how this worked before v12, and then shows how it currently functions in v12.
2024-09-23 14-32-16.mp4
(5.76 MiB) Downloaded 118 times

Re: Paper causing a bug with Drying(off) [TVPA-3718]

Posted: 26 Sep 2024, 06:52
by Léo
Hello kelanhordos,
We managed to reproduce your issue, our devs will look at it as soon as possible [TVPA-3718]