Click and Fill

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Click and Fill

Post by cgmodeler »

Well took me a few hours but came up with this solution, it's an old thread but perhaps Mads or Svengali can take a look and improve it. I like the filled stroke with fill inside but a one click solution for me is better, also map the script to a key so it will be faster.

Basically I took the X,Y coordinates from a user click, then after switching the tool to the flood selection did a reapply so this way tvpaint reads the previous click as a tool click.

Do a flood select, invert it, then use the logic from mads Matte Layer to draw a rectangle with the canvas dimensions using the selection as the source and setting a behind color mode.

Also I found a bug not sure if its script related or tvp (Im using TVP11) where you need to run the magic wand at least once per session before using the script, if not the script wont set the magic wand and wont work.

Not too cute but would love to see if someone can made some improvements like CTRL CLICK to Flood all the frames.

This is a probable solution to this: viewtopic.php?p=50290&sid=e5555d4bf58e9 ... c10#p50290
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Peter Wassink
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Re: Click and Fill

Post by Peter Wassink »

But there is a much simpler method for what you do here,
and it does not require a script, it also uses less clicks because it can do an entire animation in one click.

-create a new layer under your anim.
-fill entire project surface (using either fill tool or filled rectangle.
-erase outside shape on the fill layer using painbucket+RMB with source set to either above or display. (expand 1-3, depending on the line thickness of the anim)
-select all frames (double click under the layer)
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
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Re: Click and Fill

Post by Svengali »

For a long time I've had a short script that does something similar to Peter's suggestion (but more economically I think) which creates a mask or inverted mask for all frames in the current layer:

The script toggles between three states...
1. Normal stencil: it creates (and hides) a temp copy of the current layer, then turns stencil on for the copy layer so that all frames for the current layer are masked.
2. Inverted stencil: this simply turns the inverted stencil on for the copy layer.
3. Remove stencil: deletes copy of the layer.

The script also turns on a checkerboard for the masked or inverted masked area so you can move to any frame on any layer and see where you can or can't draw.

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Re: Click and Fill

Post by cgmodeler »

Amazing feedback guys I knew you had to know something about this. It really helped me to clarify the script, I found a bug where the Rectangle Fill with Fill inside enabled does not work and fills everything if the rectangle size is the same size as the canvas so by making it 1 pixel smaller on each side it will work perfectly and it will fill everything inside the canvas.

I fixed the script, it should now work like this, Click on the script it will fill the inside and keep everything in the same layer as BEHIND (no new layer created), SHIFT CLICK will use the layer above as the source for the fill useful for keeping color on another layer, like the workflow that Peter suggested (In case somebody needs it). Same logic, it will process either a single or all the selected frames. I needed something like this because im used to storyboarding on azdrawing where there is a tool like that which really speeds up my work by keeping everything in 1 layer

I plan to do one tool that will automatically fill the inside with a default color so as soon as you draw you will have a filled shape when doing quick storyboarding.

CLICK will fill current framw with Behind mode
SHIFT CLICK will fill current with the layer above as the source
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Desktop: TVP Pro 11.0.8 - 64bit Win 10 x64 64GB RAM - RTX3070 - Cintiq 27QHD Driver 6.3.29
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