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Save all---> danger to the nervous and chaotic

Posted: 13 Dec 2007, 23:03
by A1
saving all projects really should have a confirmation panel of some sort.
It is a danger button when you have a lot of open scenes
to experiment with, and it is very close to the save as... button. too close!

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 09:29
by A1
The above probably wasn't very clear

the reason i ask this feature, is because i accidently saved a couple of scenes
i openend to copy some layers to a different (new) project. In some of those scenes i flattened a couple of layers. This was never meant to be saved,
but by accident i released my mouse button on the save all button instead of the save as button.
If the save all button would have a confirm extension similar to 'delete layer' in the timeline sidebar it could potentially be a life saver, especially when you are of a chaotic nature :)

thanks for listening. (reading)

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 12:28
by ZigOtto
as I usely don't like the "confirm" extra step, here's 2 alternative suggestions,

the first one without changing anything :
instead of using the menu command, set and use a shortcut to "Save Project As ..." (ctrl Insert for me),

the other with a delocalisation (requiring dev. modification) :
removing the command "Save All Projects" from the main menu,
and place it in the Project Tab (RMB drop-down menu) of the timeline window. (see pict.)

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 19:37
by A1
ZigOtto wrote:

the first one without changing anything :
instead of using the menu command, set and use a shortcut to "Save Project As ..." (ctrl Insert for me),
Simple yet elegant, thank you !!