rough animatic to 3d animation, from TV paint to Maya

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rough animatic to 3d animation, from TV paint to Maya

Post by oliveuk »

I am currently working on a short film at Animation Mentor and I thought it would be a good idea to show you some of my work in progress since I am using TV paint for the planning of it.

I am using the demo version at the moment (until I get 4 more students to buy it) so right now all the timing is done in Monkey Jam.

Here is the planning of one shot, where my vampired realised he got sun burnt and runs back to his crypt, fearing for his life.

Here is the animatic in TVPaint ...

Here is the blocking stage in Maya ...

The final shot will come in few days or few weeks depending how I organise myself. Don't worry I will post it here

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Post by gerardo »

Hi!... I am an AM student too... I use PAP to make my planning... but I am
interesting in TVPaint, I used Mirage a few years ago.

you can see some of my 2d animation planing in my blog:

there are some discounts to student to buy TVPaint?
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