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A and B color

Posted: 05 May 2008, 11:32
by Paul Fierlinger
I like the improvement of the way one can switch between the pen modes and also that it preserves all colors picked up and offers Color Variations -- really, really cool -- except I can't find where to edit these colors. I have redundancies in there from pickups I created before I discovered this little feature. There must be a way to refresh the box at least. Please tell me where it is.

Re: A and B color

Posted: 08 May 2008, 06:33
by Paul Fierlinger
I guess the answer is 'No'. I'm curious: To what size will this collection grow and then what happens? :?
EDIT: I wrote this to test the new format.

Re: A and B color

Posted: 08 May 2008, 07:59
by Manuel
This color history list is probably reset with every new configuration you create (TVPApro only).
But I understand no one will re-create a full config just to reset this color list...
You should post this idea in feature request...:?:
If you feel confident with editing config files :
Make a backup copy of your config.ini file from C:\Documents and Settings\You\Application Data\tvpaint animation pro\default
open the config.ini file in notepad
Search for [ColorsHisto] section
Set count to 0
Remove all color entries until you have :

of course, this method is not supported by anyone. Use it at your own risks.

Re: A and B color

Posted: 08 May 2008, 08:10
by Paul Fierlinger
Thanks, Manuel. I've done it before on other things (color bin before it got its own RESET button. That happened when I was a beta tester here and wanted it badly -- with many others.

I like the new format here quite a bit. Having the header of posts on the left felt odd (well, stupid) at first but I got used to it fast. The reason I like it is that it quickly becomes less obtrusive. I suppose because we are a left to right culture we consider things on the right irrelevant (my International Day of Women contribution).

Re: A and B color

Posted: 08 May 2008, 10:53
by ZigOtto
Paul Fierlinger wrote:I guess the answer is 'No'.
no answer doesn't mean answer = "no" for ever.

wait and see. :)

Re: A and B color

Posted: 08 May 2008, 13:37
by Paul Fierlinger
Oh,thank you because I'm still looking for [ColorsHisto] count=0 :D

Re: A and B color

Posted: 08 May 2008, 13:51
by Nicolas R
Yes I think a function to reset the Color History (that doesn't exist yet) should be easily implemented to complete the tool.

Paul Fierlinger wrote:I suppose because we are a left to right culture we consider things on the right irrelevant (my International Day of Women contribution).