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Sharing discoveries with Mirage necomers

Posted: 06 May 2008, 09:45
by Paul Fierlinger
Here's an example of one of the numerous pleasant little surprises I come across as I work: When I cut a brush and use my key command for Brush: Rotate, the cutout remains in view while rotating. FINALLY!!!

Another one: When sitting on a hidden layer (red turned on) the layer remains hidden.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 09:55
by Fabrice
and you can go outside a layer in the timeline :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2008, 09:58
by ZigOtto
... and the list may be longer than you think ! :)

Posted: 06 May 2008, 10:03
by Paul Fierlinger
For instance? Give us a few.

The entire Animator Panel, but new to us in particular is the Navigation section. The shaker tool that shakes the layer tou are sitting on so you can find your bearings. The Flipbook is SO useful that I'd like to know who's idea it was. A note to that one: You can change the distance of the runner within the improved Preview Settings.

BTW, what is the function of the Data Rate and Compute?

Posted: 06 May 2008, 10:05
by Fabrice
For instance? Give us a few.
well, the instance engine ! :lol:
more seriously, there is also a play button in the preview panel.
The Flipbook is SO useful that I'd like to know who's idea it was
Hervé :!: :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2008, 10:12
by Paul Fierlinger
OK, being the grouch I am, and this is something I had been repeatedly asking for when I was a beta-tester over here, when working (playing) with the Pencils and brushes in the Tool Bin there is nothing that indicates which tool you have selected, such as the highlighting of the active button in the Main Panel.

BTW, Peter's pencil, 4th from the right, is yet the closest to a real pencil I have seen here.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 11:05
by Manuel
Sometimes, I use TVPAP to create pictures, icons, banners, graphics for web.
In this context the features I like the most since v.7 are :

For technical reasons :
Floodfill source layer/front/back/display
Cutbrush from display
Project Tab in timeline
#RRGGBB values in the color palette

For artistic reasons :
Custom brush in Alpha max mode : this is perfect to paint transparent colors, like colored glass. There are no more opacity added after several strokes.
Light value in the OilBrush
New connections and attributes for custom brushes : lots of new pens are possible now, fancy, realistic...
Subpixel precision with the drawing tools.

The feature I like the less : Interface look miror/highlight I really don't like that style of button, it hurts my eyes :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2008, 11:27
by Paul Fierlinger
Thanks, Manuel -- I passed your info to Sandra. I have a question about flip book, now that I have been using it more often. It runs too fast. Is there a chance that this will be fixed so that it will run at the project's setting.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 11:33
by Peter Wassink
Manuel wrote: The feature I like the less : Interface look miror/highlight I really don't like that style of button, it hurts my eyes :wink:
my idea too...luckily you can switch it off :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2008, 11:58
by Manuel
As said in the manual :
The framerate used is the one selected in the project window popup menu.
The number of frames played on either side of the current image may also be set in the preview
settings (see the Preview Settings section of this lesson).
Try to uncheck "play all" in the Preview Settings.
And see if it change the speed.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 13:16
by Paul Fierlinger
Wonderful! That did it. Thanks.

Tablet PC User

Posted: 06 May 2008, 13:39
by tonydusko
Hello everyone. I am also part of the exodus from Bauhaus.

I have been using Mirage with a Tablet PC for two years and now trying TVPaint Pro has been a pleasant experience. There are several new features that make TVPaint worth the upgrade for me but especially this one: In Mirage, I have to have the subpixel option on, however, with Mirage, my cursor point was always a little off from where I touched the screen. No matter how many times I re-calibrated the screen, the problem was always there and only in Mirage, so I learned to live with it and compensate for it. Well in TVPaint Pro, the problem is gone ! I am not sure if this was a bug that was intentially fixed but I am very pleased that it was. So I hope this helps any other Tablet PC users out there thinking about upgrading from Mirage.

(And I love the rotating project window and the timeline bookmarks too!)


Posted: 06 May 2008, 13:45
by Nicolas R
Hi Tony,
You're very welcome here like everyone else.
I love your notebook babies, very cool work!

Posted: 06 May 2008, 14:26
by tonydusko
Thanks Nicolas. I am glad to be here :!:

Re: Sharing discoveries with Mirage necomers

Posted: 08 May 2008, 16:05
by Paul Fierlinger
Another pleasant surprise: Under the AUTO FIT menu of the layer panel there is a new listing: This enables one to see where a sound track ends even when the longest layer in the project is shorter than the sound track. I always wanted this and had nowhere to ask for it. Thanks TVPaint.
EDIT: I didn't think that sounded right. This is the example I had meant to give: Often a left-behind KeyFramer bar will be sitting way over to the right and this makes it a one click deal to locate it.