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How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:21
by Paul Fierlinger
Again I have a number of unwanted entries, this time under "From File". I had once created a project 12-505.tvp. From that project I had created a file 12-505.avi. At one point I inadvertently entered the AVI version as well which now sits in the Splash Screen File menu. I need to get rid of this because it is causing me trouble. How is it done?

Re: How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:40
by Nicolas R
I'm not sure to understand.
You want to get rid of the Avi file in the 'From File' menu or you want the default splash screen to be displayed?

For the first one, I don't know but it surely is written in a temporary file, probably somewhere like in the Applications Data folder of Windows.
Here, when I select a file from this menu and then I quit, it doesn't come up at the next launch of the program.
Edit : in the config.ini file of course. And it is sorted under the [FileHisto] label.
The 'From File' file list takes the first 20 items of that list, project 0 to project 19 in that list.
I guess that removing one time will prevent it from being displayed but be careful to have the numbers of the projects follow each other otherwise the list will be wrong.
For example, if you remove project 0, the From File won't show any file, because the first one, number 0, doesn't exist. And so on. If project 1 is missing, the list will contain only one item.
Hope it helps though.

For the second, I think the default splash screen must be named Stevie.dip and located in the Data folder of your Installation folder.
Stevie because Stevie Paint of course.

I know one of these 2 explanations is irrelevant but I tried to give a broad answer :roll:

Re: How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:48
by Manuel
MRU lists are not supposed to be edited/managed.

But if it is really necessary :
Search [FileHisto] in your config.ini file. Use the Search function (ctrl+F) of the notepad.
You will have the list of files, not sorted.
Find the avi file
Don't delete the complete line but change only the file and its path by a useful filename.
(because TVPA may not show files if ther are gaps in the numbers)

Re: How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:50
by Nicolas R
oops I edited my post too late, Manuel was faster than me.
I leave it anyway, some info could be complementary.

Re: How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:51
by Paul Fierlinger
In the Application Data under templates I found only the last four saves. That seems strange. In the splash screen I have many more listed.

Re: How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:54
by Manuel
Tempates are the definitons of your projects templates.
The MRU files are stored in config.ini

Re: How to delete File from Splash Screen

Posted: 08 May 2008, 15:56
by Paul Fierlinger
Manuel wrote:MRU lists are not supposed to be edited/managed.

But if it is really necessary :
Search [FileHisto] in your config.ini file. Use the Search function (ctrl+F) of the notepad.
You will have the list of files, not sorted.
Find the avi file
Don't delete the complete line but change only the file and its path by a useful filename.
(because TVPA may not show files if ther are gaps in the numbers)
Thanks Manuel. I'll think about doing this for awhile... :|