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Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 02:41
by Chico89
Well I am a Freshman and our first big assignment was a still life. So I chose to draw my sunglasses. Here is how it turned out. First time using Mirage seriously, I think I am doing alright :)




Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 11:10
by Klaus Hoefs
Of course these two are very different.
The first one is a sketchy drawing, which I like much more - although it is hard to judge from one lonely drawing - at first glance there are some kind of cramped approaches with the line, imo it could be more loose. But I may be completely wrong, so it would be nice to see more drawings of this. Did you only do this one ?
Second image, which probably is meant as a kind of final result, looks to me as if your trying to fake 3D look and it looks dead to me.

So there are questions,
1. how old are you, what are syou tudying (Graphic/Industry Design,Fine Art, Animation ?) what you're hoping to get from you're studies ?
2. what kind of teachers do you have, and what are they forcing ?

Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 16:26
by Peter Wassink
you are doing alright!
great work on those reflections.
i seems this is drawn from life(and not from a photo?), so you must have observed the distorted perspective very close.
keep it up.

Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 22:04
by Chico89
The pictures are from when i started to the end. I had to sketch it out on the computer, then build it with splines, then do all the shading. This was an assignment for school. I am just a freshman, eventually going into animation production. This is just the intro class, and I have only been using the program 4 weeks. It is far from perfect, but its just for an assignment.

Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 22:47
by Paul Fierlinger
I understand the advantage students have later on a job, whether freelance or as part of a larger studio, to understand the principles of working with 3D tools. I wish I had a better understanding of such fundamentals myself and 3D "art" churns my stomach.

What are you taught more at this point; building 3D objects, or drawing sketches of objects and figural drawing?

I ask because I like Klaus' question "what are you hoping to get from your studies?" and wonder; as a Freshman, have you been asked that question within your curriculum? When I taught (I quit almost 2 years ago) I used to ask the question all the time and seldom got a concise answer -- as if none of the students ever gave the issue of why am I doing this? more thought than, 'I've liked animated films since I was a kid," which is the same answer to why you want ice cream.

Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 00:07
by Chico89
Building 3d models is want I want to do eventually. Like I said though this is an intro class. Until 2nd semester of my sophmore year, I won't be doing too much 3d modeling. Its just the way it works here. I do not know exactly what I want to do, but I know I am heading in the right direction, and waiting until I learn more programs. I think in a year I learn Maya =)

Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 00:46
by Paul Fierlinger
I do not know exactly what I want to do, but I know I am heading in the right direction

When I was a kid I was taught to search hard until I find something I passionately believe I could be good at and then start learning everything there is to know on the subject and to stick to it until I got to be really, really good and that I'll know when I reach that point only when I'll be told that I am good at what I'm doing by someone who's already among the best. It was also drilled in me by the society of that period to never, ever say that I'm good at something first.

Is this what you meant to say?

Re: Student: Heres my Still Life

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 01:16
by Chico89
Yes that is what I meant to say. Not related to art-but an example of mine, I rode bmx for about 6 months, was told I was good by people riding for 2 or more years, and when I told people that were riding for 4-5 years I was only riding for 6 months, they commented on how well I rode. But then I quit biking to pay for my truck. There have been several other instances like this in my life.

This time, I want to pursue art, and not quit. I want to be at the top, and I know if I stay with it, take in what better people tell me, use their critiquing and seriously put my mind to it, I can be at the top. It is going to take alot of dedication and time, and learning, but I want to do it! :D

Thanks for the help :D :D