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Happy New Year 2009 !

Posted: 02 Jan 2009, 14:13
by TVPaint
Hello every body!

The whole TVPaint Team wishes you a happy and animated new year 2009 !!

Re: Happy New Year 2009 !

Posted: 02 Jan 2009, 14:29
by Sierra Rose
Very cool New Year's card. Happy New Year to you all as well.

Re: Happy New Year 2009 !

Posted: 03 Jan 2009, 19:10
by Anim8tor Cathy
Happy New Year Gang!

I wanted to drop a note to tell you I’m abandoning my aspirations to become an animator and have instead decided to finish my second book. There comes a time when one must accept their limitations as well as their strengths. As much as I love animation with a great passion, I am not suited to it as a practitioner. I have enjoyed the journey of discovery this path has led me down and appreciate everything I've learned from all of you. Thank you.

I hope you won’t mind me checking-in here from time to time, as I have grown fond of the community and enjoy watching all your projects and reading your insights.

Take Care,
Cathy :D

Re: Happy New Year 2009 !

Posted: 03 Jan 2009, 21:14
by Sierra Rose
Good to hear from you. I'm sure your book will be wonderful.

I'm not sure exactly how I caught the animation bug but I can't seem to get rid of it....something about the aliveness of the moving line, I guess. But I can see illustrating a book would be a great endeavor too.

I always love your energy on the forums, whatever else you may be doing.