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My first few Peices with TVP9

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 11:26
by Gravin
Starting to get past the poking around stage with TVP. Thought I would share a few things I've done for school w/ this amazing piece of software :wink:

Re: My first few Peices with TVP9

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 20:18
by Peter Wassink
the three stages image is a nice illustration of how these 3 phases could look, but it would be more convincing if the 'rough pencil' was indeed rough.
i would be most happy if my clean frames would look half as tight as your rough!

Is this from an animated sequence? i'd be curious to see your rough animation of it.

Re: My first few Peices with TVP9

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 23:15
by Gravin
Yeah, I guess I should change it to just "pencil" It is technically the second drawing layer that was on top of my rough in shapes and such. Its unfortunately not from an animated sequence, I have yet to do any serious character animation. This was an abandoned character for a character development assignment, I just cleaned it up for the fun of it.

Re: My first few Peices with TVP9

Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 08:09
by Elodie
Nice work !

I really like the backgrounds and with the little house :D