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The Dawn of the complete 64bit systems and workflows ?

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 07:09
by radams6
Hi All,

It's been sometime since I've been on the forum.
I wanted to ask where things stand to support 64bit workflows and computer systems?

A while back I had a flood that took out all my systems...and have just started to get systems replaced.
Though instead of 32 bit systems...all of these will be 64bit, and next generations components...with storage having little to no lag...and with throughputs above 1 - 1.5 gigabytes per second sustained.

We are also looking at the support of full 32 bit float color space for all throughput and processing.

So how well will TVpaint integrate into this type of system?

So we are looking to have a workflow that is resolution, framerate, and colorspace independent.


Re: The Dawn of the complete 64bit systems and workflows ?

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 08:55
by slowtiger
Could you post some showy images so I may drool over it? *gg*

Re: The Dawn of the complete 64bit systems and workflows ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:10
by radams6
Hi Slowtiger and All,

I'll post some photos of the system soon...still waiting on a couple of components that are still be released.

Though I wanted to ask will there be a 64 bit version of TVpaint ?
Will there be support for higher than 8 bit color space ?

From what I've read so far...9.5 has some interesting additions.

Hope all are well :)


Ray Adams
& (new)

Re: The Dawn of the complete 64bit systems and workflows ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:15
by Hervé
radams6 wrote: Though I wanted to ask will there be a 64 bit version of TVpaint ?
Will there be support for higher than 8 bit color space ?
Hi Ray, since 1999, you still wait evertime for something new in TVPaint ( Aura, Mirage and no TVPA), but I have never seen what you can do.

Re: The Dawn of the complete 64bit systems and workflows ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 18:30
by radams6
Bonjour Hervé ADAM,

I've done quit a bit with your products over the years...and also wrote about it in a couple of magazines...including the German, "Digital Producktion"...Which showed several comps using Mirage at the time.

I've used your products from Aura, and Mirage as a desktop flame station, as a paint for a comp station with fusion, It has also been my little swiss army knife to help do production base paint...and fix little things quickly or do tests with onset.

It has been one of the tools in my production toolchest for sometime.
I've used it to create storyboards, animations, comp CG FXs, Developed macros, FXs to intergrate with NewTek products, etc.
I've worked with media, from film, video, to multimedia with it.

It has been a standard production paint/animation system I've used on many of the projects I've done over the years.
The last thing I did with Mirage...was to create a multimedia presentation...that helped land a multimillion dollar contract for a customer.

At the moment, I'm retooling my systems and evaluating new applications and workflows.
Thus my questions inregards to TVPaint Pro.... I'm putting together 64 bit apps...and trying to work in a float color workflow from end to end.
I've been dealing with several hardware companies...looking into what can be done to help with storage, memory, and throughput.
All of which could be very beneficial to a TVPaint Pro applicant...that was 64 bit.

I like to develop complete solutions and workflows.

Wishing you all well.
