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"Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 06 Oct 2009, 13:28
by somkiat
Bonjour à tous ,
Voici quelques sketch de productions pour mon futur film d'animation en full 3D .
Tout ça fait directement via TV paint via mon tablet PC .


Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 11:15
by malcooning
Not sure what you wrote in French, but looking at the images I was wondering if it's not better for you to try to find a more personal voice.
Or maybe just something a little less, ehh...Wall-e.

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 12:23
by Elodie
Translation :
Hello everybody,
Here is a little sketch I've made for my future 3D animated movie
Directly done on TVPaint, via my Tablet PC
I don't find it looks to wall-e, personnaly. =)

In fact, it reminds Mark's works :mrgreen:

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 08:59
by somkiat
Hum yeah you 're all right's look like than Wall e ....I looking another way to design this character .

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 09:33
by Elodie
It reminds me "Hal" in 2001, the space odyssey :mrgreen:

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 09:36
by Paul Fierlinger
somkiat wrote:Hum yeah you 're all right's look like than Wall e ....I looking another way to design this character .
Good for you! I don't want to sound condescending but I salute anyone who understands and has the personal need to search for originality. It used to happen to me all the time. I'd design a character I felt quite proud of and them someone would point out to me that it looks pretty close to an already existing style I had never seen before and I'd have to start all over again. Composers have it even tougher with only 12 notes to a scale but we hear new melodies all the time (although, ehm, less frequently than it used to be).

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 09:42
by Elodie
Paul Fierlinger wrote: Composers have it even tougher with only 12 notes to a scale but we hear new melodies all the time (although, ehm, less frequently than it used to be).
Hahaha, that's why I don't listen to the radio anymore :mrgreen:

It's a sweet metaphor. Although, I always hated when discovering I've made something which look like something which already exist... except when I'm trying to make a fanart. Here it's really frustrating when someone ask : who's that ? U_U

(hopefully, it didn't happen to me since I'm 10 years old :mrgreen: )

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 09:57
by Paul Fierlinger
The trick is to keep one's drawing as close as possible to one's personality and world view and changing ways. But it took me many more years to discover that it is a mistake to adhere to just one style. Otherwise we would all be working in an early form of arrested development. It must be tough to get stuck with being a pink cow, but cows come in different colors and shapes and who knows what secret cow lies in the depth of your thoughts, waiting to come out!

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 10:01
by Elodie
:) :D :mrgreen:

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 13:37
by Peter Wassink
Elodie wrote:It reminds me "Hal" in 2001, the space odyssey :mrgreen:
it must be his cousin "Hall-e"

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 19:23
by Elodie
*padam ta tchiiii*

What a group of happy jokers :mrgreen:

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 17 Dec 2009, 12:06
by joz
Mmm, what is Wall-E ? I've never heard talking about... A name of english Graffiti artist perhaps ?

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 17 Dec 2009, 14:39
by Svengali
Actually, WALL-E has his own paternity problems - as was noted by many critics, about 30 seconds after his film was released. :D

The robot on the right starred in a 1986 film called Short Circuit - his name was Johnny 5.

wall-e vs short circuit johnny 5.jpg
wall-e vs short circuit johnny 5.jpg (58.78 KiB) Viewed 31327 times

Re: "Boot failure " projet d'étudiant ESA st luc

Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 13:07
by somkiat
remember that , it was my favorite movie (Johnny 5 )