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Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 15 Nov 2009, 17:42
by Mads Juul
Here is a collection of scripts and commands I have made during the last couple of years using TV Paint. and some others have made. collected into one panel.
Hope It can help some.
comments, questions and criticism is more than welcome!

I will make some podcast demonstrating the use.

There was a bug in the export layers and playblast script they should work now ! Well almost the playblast script has a small bug in that it doesn´t close the down scaled project. there is a bug in the george command tv_projectClose but it will be fixed in the next release I think

I forgot in the podcast to mention that the smart thing about the flip buttons is that you now can have go to next/prev Instance bookmark assigned to the same short cut.


Unpeg Inbetween:

Export:export Layers:


Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 08:31
by Elodie
thanks for sharing these panels Mads =)

Please can you add a description of the options/scripts you have made, with some screenshots ?

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 12:56
by D.T. Nethery
Very useful. Thank you.

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 13:16
by Mads Juul
Elodie wrote: Please can you add a description of the options/scripts you have made, with some screenshots ?
I think I will make some podcast along the way when I got time

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 13:17
by Elodie
okay nice =)

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 14:21
by ZigOtto
madsjuul wrote:
Elodie wrote: Please can you add a description of the options/scripts you have made, with some screenshots ?
I think I will make some podcast along the way when I got time
cool, I'm curious to see how do you use your Charts and Reuse tools in your workflow... :)

btw, a little tape/error I think, shouldn't be "Reuse" instead of "Resuse" in this message window ?
reuse.jpg (2.66 KiB) Viewed 5145 times

ps: also the Playblast tools both give me an "Error: missing end ... " message .

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 11:40
by elmisilhumano
What are those, Tools: 1,2,3,4,5,6

I found how the Custom brush tools work but not sure when to use them. Same with the unpeg inbetween tool

ZigOtto, I don't know how madjuul is using the charts in his work flow, but for me they look like normal key, inbetween and break down drawing marks. And if you like to use drawing one again in a frame 16 just go to the frame 1, set reuse go to frame16 and "write" the re use. Then the assistant/clean upper knows that he/she can just copy the drawing from the fr 01. There is a lot of other situations too. Really Great tools Mads!


Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 11:52
by Mads Juul
Yeah I made the charts tool so we easy can name and rename the keys, extreemes, breakdowns, and resuses if we alter the timing. And the charts is for cummunicating with assistens or cleanup artisrs etc. I will make Poscast demonstrations within the next days demonstratinf the different panels.
nice that you like the tools
:-) Mads

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 07:40
by Mads Juul
ZigOtto wrote: -mads
cool, I'm curious to see how do you use your Charts and Reuse tools in your workflow... :)
btw, a little tape/error I think, shouldn't be "Reuse" instead of "Resuse" in this message window ?
ps: also the Playblast tools both give me an "Error: missing end ... " message .[/quote]

So I made a Podcast demonstrating the Chart thing. and some others. I uploaded a new version of the panel with so e bugfixes.

the playblast and the export Layers scripts unfortunately gives error messages because of some bugs in the George that will be fixed In the next tvpaint release. but now I made A Podcast demonstration of the scripts

I'm a little curios of what you think of my Unpeg Inbetween approach


Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 10:56
by Mads Juul
The Playblast and export layers script should work now from version 1.06

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 16:29
by BenEcosse
I find your panel extremely useful.

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 16:59
by D.T. Nethery
"Charts" and "Unpeg" are both very useful.

Here is a small problem I have with "Charts" (running TVP on Mac OS 10.5) --- when I 'Set Number Position' by clicking there is no box that pops up to allow the size of the numbers to be adjusted as you show in the video you posted on YouTube. Perhaps this is only a Mac bug ?
This option does not appear in the Mac version of Mads Juul Panel
This option does not appear in the Mac version of Mads Juul Panel
Set Size of Number.jpg (28.15 KiB) Viewed 4927 times

Your "Unpeg Inbetween" is a good solution to what I have been trying (awkwardly) to do by creating temporary duplicate layers, making custom brushes of the extremes , stamping down the drawings over top of each other to do the inbetween, then create another custom brush of the inbetween, go back to the original layer to stamp it in position between the two extremes.

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 23:45
by Mads Juul
D.T. Nethery wrote: Here is a small problem I have with "Charts" (running TVP on Mac OS 10.5) --- when I 'Set Number Position' by clicking there is no box that pops up to allow the size of the numbers to be adjusted as you show in the video you posted on YouTube. Perhaps this is only a Mac bug ?
have you installed the latest version? I found some bugs in the chart part when testing and did the size solution. so its first after vesion 1.04 that the box appears. do you have installed version 1.06?

I'm glad you like the Unpeg feature I found it surprisingly usefull my self

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 21 Nov 2009, 01:25
by D.T. Nethery
madsjuul wrote:
D.T. Nethery wrote: Here is a small problem I have with "Charts" (running TVP on Mac OS 10.5) --- when I 'Set Number Position' by clicking there is no box that pops up to allow the size of the numbers to be adjusted as you show in the video you posted on YouTube. Perhaps this is only a Mac bug ?
have you installed the latest version? I found some bugs in the chart part when testing and did the size solution. so its first after vesion 1.04 that the box appears. do you have installed version 1.06?

I'm glad you like the Unpeg feature I found it surprisingly usefull my self
AH ! Thank you, Mads. That did the trick. I had 1.03 installed from earlier, but had not installed 1.06 . It works perfectly with version 1.06.

Re: Mads Juul Panel

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 00:42
by ZigOtto
your unpeg tool is pretty cool, indeed, but it doesn't work when the previous
(bookmarked) instance is a single frame instance (no exposures), maybe the script could be tweaked
with "add an empty Instance" instead of a "break and clear" next frame, ...
I still haven't look closely into it, but I guess it could be adapted to work with single frame instances imo.
Also I wonder why not to have the same tool without using bookmarks at all,
by using straight-ahead the neighbouring instances, explanation :
when no bookmarks set, it would means you are already positioned on the inbetween,
and it would go and pick the previous head as CustomBrush,
add an empty instance between the previous and the current ones,
then let you paste it (or edit and paste it).
just an idea ... or using the light-table's mode :
- Bookmarks (requiring 3 bookmarks, current position on the "inbetween" to draw in),
- Instance ( working with the previous, current and next Instances),

about your Chart tool, it looks very handy as well, at least when working in a team,
with assistants and inbetweeners, the only thing I can't get rid of, is that the nb
and the circle (or under-bar) are not centered here, I don't know why actually,
maybe something to tweak in the tvpa text tool settings, I've tried with different fonts
at different size, it's always (vertically) offset ... :? (see pict.)
chartoffset.png (4.27 KiB) Viewed 4851 times
I haven't tested yet the export layers and playblast thing, but anyway, it's a really cool
(and rich) custom panel, and thanks for the podcast-demos, well-done Mads !
I bet some of these tools could be part of the standard Anim Panel in a next future !

what's the difference between your "Stamp in Place" embedded script,
and the Tools: Re-Apply CustomBrush command ?