Flip to instance/Bookmark

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Mads Juul
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Flip to instance/Bookmark

Post by Mads Juul »

I think the functionallity of the flip part of my "Mads Juul Panel" Which I released in the content sharing should be part directly in the software.
That means a funtion that goes to next instance if the lighttable is in instance mode or bookmarks if the lighttable is in bookmark mode. I think this is the default function that all(most) animators would want and it should be assigned to the left/ right arrow keyboard shortcuts as default.
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D.T. Nethery
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Re: Flip to instance/Bookmark

Post by D.T. Nethery »

madsjuul wrote:I think the functionallity of the flip part of my "Mads Juul Panel" Which I released in the content sharing should be part directly in the software.
That means a funtion that goes to next instance if the lighttable is in instance mode or bookmarks if the lighttable is in bookmark mode. I think this is the default function that all(most) animators would want and it should be assigned to the left/ right arrow keyboard shortcuts as default.
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Re: Flip to instance/Bookmark

Post by slowtiger »

That's the way I set up the keys for me - left/right arrow = next instance.
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Re: Flip to instance/Bookmark

Post by NickA »

I use the , and . to change instances/bookmarks and the left and right keys to change frames, which is handy if I want to split an instance.
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Paul Fierlinger
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Re: Flip to instance/Bookmark

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

NickA wrote:I use the , and . to change instances/bookmarks and the left and right keys to change frames, which is handy if I want to split an instance.
Same here; I have 8,9 for previous and next instance and left/right arrows for frame, because while always working with instances, there are occasions when I need to move in single increments.

But I would also VERY MUCH welcome a single pair of key command that would advance left and right to bookmarks, instances or frames -- all depending on what one selects in the LightTable. That would be such a Key Saver!!!
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