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How can I move layer?

Posted: 26 May 2010, 04:43
by isd
I need to slide (right or left) a whole layer (I mean the layer in the timeline) but I can only expand or shrink it, not move it as a block left or right (like we can do it in after effects when grabbing the layer with the left mouse button and sliding it).

Re: How can I move layer?

Posted: 26 May 2010, 04:51
by Svengali
Move cursor over one of the layer's frames, left-click and hold. Now, drag right (or drag left if there is any room).

Re: How can I move layer?

Posted: 26 May 2010, 10:34
by Paul Fierlinger
And notice that there is now a lock command (RMB on layer) to prevent the layer from being accidentally shifted.

Re: How can I move layer?

Posted: 26 May 2010, 12:36
by isd
Oh thank you I couldn't have found otherwise for anim layers ^^
(I lost so much time today because of this ><)