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Importing Colour Palettes

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 13:01
by v.veidt
Hello all,

I have a photoshop colour palette of 475 colours that I would like to import to TVP Animation. Thus far, the best option I've found has been to create a "new palette from image", but that cuts my colours down to 256. I recall reading that TVP supports palettes up to 1024 colours. How can I import my palette? Is .pal the only acceptable import format? Does anyone know of a way to convert .aco files to .pal?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Importing Colour Palettes

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 19:40
by Peter Wassink
you could simply loading the image of the PS-palette into the Colorpicker\mixer.
just rightclick in the mixer and choose File\import mixer

the only restriction there is that the width of the image should no exceed 170 pixels.
this can be simply achieved by picking up the palette image as a brush and then at exporting the brush set the horizontal dimension to 170.

the mixer panel can be strectched downward pretty far! (endlessly?) so no limit to the ammount of colors!
and when you check the colorpicker key in the bottom of the panel picking is instand!

Re: Importing Colour Palettes

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 04:16
by v.veidt
That seems to be the answer, it's too bad there's no scroll bar on the mixer tab.

Re: Importing Colour Palettes

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 05:10
by v.veidt
I was able to shrink it down enough. Thank You for the suggestion.

Re: Importing Colour Palettes

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 13:25
by Peter Wassink
v.veidt wrote:That seems to be the answer, it's too bad there's no scroll bar on the mixer tab.
feature request!
but better to allow scrolling using ALT-key, just like in the layer panel.
so as not to take away more space from the mixer panel