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Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 09:33
by slowtiger
This was done in 3-4 hrs over a photo. Funnily enough the result looks a bit like some paintings by my father ( This is just one part of a looong panning BG, on which a longer conversation during a walk takes place.

I'm quite happy with how the trees in the distance turn out, it's good enough to mimick out-of-focus (or "bokeh" as this effect is called nowadays). The uploaded file is in original size so you can see the brush strokes.

Re: background

Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 09:50
by Klaus Hoefs

For me it looks too much like a photo to which a Photoshop-Paint Effects-Filter was applied. Sorry.
(I think it is better not to paint over a photo-layer. Why not to take memory or some sketches as a base ? )

Re: background

Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 10:23
by slowtiger
Memory wouldn't suffice, the colours and lights are too subtle. And I need it to be "realistic" for this scene.

Re: background

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 22:35
by oyonawa
Looks totally like a photo filtered by Photoshop Plugins.
I agree with Klaus. Why not to copy the photo by hand and color it in Photoshop or TVPaint using your own palette or even the photo palette??