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MAC and User Settings and TVPX George scripts

Posted: 01 Feb 2011, 10:45
by Mads Juul
I'm starting today on a project as a storyboarder where I have to use apple mac machine for the first time. I have brought my actions from my prevoius work as TVPX files now I have installed it and wanted to find the George scripts that the tvpx files contaoins. on a windows machine I find that under the user settings but where on a mac?

Re: MAC and User Settings and TVPX George scripts

Posted: 01 Feb 2011, 10:54
by ematecki
Hello mads,

all files are stored here on a Mac :
<your home dir>/Library/tvp animation 9 pro/<configname>/

'tvp animation 9 pro' may vary slightly if you have a beta version, but it's name will be obvious.

Good luck !

Re: MAC and User Settings and TVPX George scripts

Posted: 01 Feb 2011, 11:01
by Mads Juul
Cool thank you!
another Mac Newbie Question . is it possible to to run TV Paint in a "No Border" mode like on Windows ?

Re: MAC and User Settings and TVPX George scripts

Posted: 01 Feb 2011, 12:24
by ematecki
Unfortunately, no, that's not possible.