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Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 02 Feb 2011, 16:32
by Fran Gonzalez

Im using an excellent script that i taken here for toggle between the drawing mode Color and Erase.
The problem is that , due that TVP do not let use custom cursors, I don´t know when I`m in Color Mode
or in Erase Mode, so the most time I paint when I need to erase and viceversa.
I thought about making a button in a custom panel that changes his icon when I use one mode or other, so you can view quickly
on the screen With a visual signal on what mode you are.

Do you have any idea how I can do this, or do you have a better idea to resolve the problem of know what mode are you currently using :?:

Thank you.

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 17:47
by Svengali

When you look at the "mode" indicator, it tells you if you are in color mode or erase mode, right?


Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 21:05
by Paul Fierlinger
I don't understand the problem. When I am in draw mode I see nothing at the tip of my cursor (Pen2) an just draw. When I switch to eraser mode a small circle appears at the tip of the cursor; the size of my eraser and in the color of the A pen (usually black). As soon as I apply that circle to the screen it vanishes and erases. I checked all the cursors available to us and they all work this way. Isn't this enough to inform you which tool you are using, or do you not see the circle?

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 22:18
by Fran Gonzalez
Hello. Thank you for your replies.

Let's see. When you press F2 to start drawing in color mode and press F4 to erase, I NEVER see any change of cursor, so I can't know
what's the current drawing mode. When you are working with certain speed, after do some quick strokes you forget what mode you are and then is when you draw when you want erase, etc. I don't know how do you can see that curso change Paul, can you explain a little more your drawing process and settings?.

Other solution I'm handling it's a short of key function like Photoshop, where you press E and erases, when you release the key the program backs to the previous drawing tool, in this case in TVP could be back to previous mode drawing.

That way I can have a free button on the CIntiq's express keys for other function or if I use a keyboard I can have a clearest keymap for working.

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 22:30
by Byron
Paul Fierlinger wrote:When I switch to eraser mode a small circle appears at the tip of the cursor; the size of my eraser and in the color of the A pen
I think the issue is whether you have a variable assigned to the Size connection button for your eraser. I notice that if I have the eraser's size set to pressure (or any other variable), I don't get the circle indicating the tool size. If I set the connection button to 'None' - then I get the behaviour you describe. So, the trick might be to set the eraser's Size connection button to 'None'.

However - I don't use the drawing mode to switch to and from the eraser, I use Sven's custom script.

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 03 Feb 2011, 23:09
by Paul Fierlinger
Byron wrote: However - I don't use the drawing mode to switch to and from the eraser, I use Sven's custom script.
That's what I thought Fran was talking about:
Im using an excellent script that i taken here for toggle between the drawing mode Color and Erase.
It sounds like Sven's script which I work with too. It's the two green-yellow buttons called Save Erase and Swap erase, right?
And you have a point Byron, the Erase size has to be set to "none" which shows up as the letter "C" (go figure).
Frank, if you are using this script correctly you should be able to assign it to a single key or even Wacom button and each time you press it, you toggle between draw and erase. I can't imagine working without it; actually Sven originally designed it for me :)

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 01:12
by ZigOtto
yeap, the trick is to have your Drawing/Erasing tools at different size, (we usually have our eraser bigger than our pen, that's from our old "natural media" habits).
Paul Fierlinger wrote:... the Erase size has to be set to "none" which shows up as the letter "C" (go figure).
not necessary, you can keep the eraser's size connection to "Pressure", but set the enter point (down-left corner) of the Size Profile over than 0, (say, at 1/4 of the max size).
pressurestart.png (4.81 KiB) Viewed 32491 times

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 02:11
by Paul Fierlinger
Zig, where do you find these things out -- I've been around these forums for 12 or 15 years and this is the first time I've heard of this profile shape to preserve the circle around the cursor's point!

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 09:56
by Byron
ZigOtto wrote:you can keep the eraser's size connection to "Pressure", but set the enter point (down-left corner) of the Size Profile over than 0, (say, at 1/4 of the max size).
Brilliant! That is completely logical... which is probably why I hadn't thought to do it! Thanks for the tip - I like to have my eraser set to pressure, so this is a great help. :D :D :D

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 10:26
by Fran Gonzalez
Hi again.

I just do not understand how do you can view a circle changing on the screen. I tested on mac and PC versions and I always get the same cursor shape and size.
I tried all the drawing tools and I can´t notice any change. This is weird. I tried changing that panel settings but nothing changes.

I will explain a little more my case. I use TVP for doing pixel art at this moment. So the Mechanical pencil its my prefered tool due that only draws with
1 pixel size. In this kind of drawing (pixel art) I´m constantly drawing and erasing dots, so I change between F2 and F4 two times for second approx.
I made and stroke (F2), and then i refine it (F4). So at this speed I can´t remember if I´m in Color or Erase mode and then happens that I draw when I want to erase.

Yes, i also use the Sven`s script for toggle between Color and Erase mode.

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 10:37
by Paul Fierlinger
Fran, what are your erase parameters?

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 11:01
by Fran Gonzalez

I use the Mechanical Pencil as it comes from default.

Power: 100% Constant

Opacity: 100 %

No Drying , no Gradient and no AAlias. Just raw pixel. I use the DOT cursor due that i need a perfect precission to put pixels on the screen, i work on small images,
sprites and animations for 2D games.

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 11:13
by Paul Fierlinger
That doesn't answer my question. How large is your eraser?

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 11:19
by Fran Gonzalez
That is my eraser. I use the Mechanical Pencil tool to draw and to erase. I just toggle between F2 and F4 to do one thing or the other. So the large
of the mechanical pencil tool is 1 pixel.

Re: Drawing Mode Indicator

Posted: 04 Feb 2011, 11:26
by Paul Fierlinger
In that case can't you just use the lower part of your pen's rocker switch? Or better, the PenBrush at 2 pixels as an eraser? Then you will see the circle at the end of your cursor.