Shifting Images in ALL LAYERS

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Shifting Images in ALL LAYERS

Post by toonybrain »

Is there anyway to shift an image and all its layers to the left or the right in the frame?

I'm doing illustrations, so I have only one frame, but multiple layers (outline, mattes, color) for each element in the frame (boy, dog, etc.) I need to shift the small boy in one illustration to the right, but he has many layers. I don't want to "brush" him because it compresses all the layers into one (then I won't be able to change something on one of the layers laters, if necessary).

Am I making myself clear? If so, please help. Thanks so much - AGAIN!
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Re: Shifting Images in ALL LAYERS

Post by slowtiger »

1. Use the "Panning" tool
2. hit Undo
3. select 1 layer and 1 frame
4. hit Re-Apply
5. repeat 3-5 as often as needed
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Re: Shifting Images in ALL LAYERS

Post by toonybrain »

Thank you, Tiger (you don't seem that slow to me)!

I will do as instructed. God bless.
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