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Managing Storyboard

Posted: 07 Feb 2011, 17:32
by crayon10
I am working on version 9.5 standard edition. The clips and scenes in the 'Project' window can not be moved. There are all fixed in the place where they first appear. Is the ability to break and join clips reserved for the Pro version?

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 07 Feb 2011, 18:10
by Paul Fierlinger
I'm not positively sure but I think it's the same in all versions. Left Click on the name part of the frame and hold down. Then move that click out of its place into another. Does this work for you?

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 07 Feb 2011, 20:19
by crayon10
Thank You, that does work. I clicked on every place but that name part and there is another issue. For some reason, some times the left click is a space bar and other times it is the 'apple key'.

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 08:22
by ematecki
crayon10 wrote:For some reason, some times the left click is a space bar and other times it is the 'apple key'.
I think you mean *right* clic ?
It *should* be the space bar everywhere, if it doesn't work somewhere please tell me where and it will be fixed.

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 03:08
by crayon10
ematecki wrote:
crayon10 wrote:For some reason, some times the left click is a space bar and other times it is the 'apple key'.
I think you mean *right* clic ?
It *should* be the space bar everywhere, if it doesn't work somewhere please tell me where and it will be fixed.
It works in TVP, what I was trying to say is that my other programs do not use the space bar. It took me a while to get use to this set-up.

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 08:15
by ematecki
TVPA wa using the Ctrl key for many things long before it was ported to the Mac, so we just had to choose another key, or else we would have disturbed all our existing customers...

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 08 Apr 2011, 20:38
by Paul Fierlinger
I just discovered something simple by accident (actually I watched a student do the following by accident and learned something new). In the project tab, if you want to separate a clip from a scene, all you need to do is drag the frame a bit away from the scene and let go. It'll pop back but with a separation space between the scene and itself, therefore becoming a new scene. If you need to do the opposite, connect a clip with a scene, drag the clip a little over the scene and let go; it will snap back but will now be connected as a part of the scene. There is no real need to use the little split and connect icons on the left. Very cool 8) . Is there anyone here who already knows this (or worse yet; am I the only who never knew this?) :shock: ?

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 00:12
by crayon10
I think it is in one of the tutorials or the PDF. I am not at the point of needed the storyboard to keep track of what I am doing.

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 00:17
by Paul Fierlinger
I see you have the standard edition; I don't believe this applies to that one. The tab is there but I don't think it does anything.

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 20:30
by crayon10
It does work but with only one feature. I would if there is a way to import/export to Microsoft Word or if that would even be a worth while feature?

Still moving slowly forward.

Re: Managing Storyboard

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 21:03
by Paul Fierlinger
In the Pro version there is all that and more that you can do. :| :|