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Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 10:22
by slowtiger
As gerard asked: can we have a way to make the colour samples bigger? I have trouble to grab the one I want exactly, and not creating a new one accidentially.

It should be a choice, as nearly always: for those who prefer the current view, and for those who need bigger ones. Maybe a popup solution when hovering over a certain area?

Also I'd like to have a way to better organize colours. Right now I can only store them side by side, line by line, which isn't really useful if I have different characters. And I can only save or load 1 complete palette which is a waste of space if each character only has 6 colours.

Ideally I'd like to be able to:
- name each colour (I often have very similar shades which I need to remember by position only now)
- have multiple saved sets available at the same time (maybe collapsable, so only 1 set is expanded at any moment)
- be able to toggle between small sample, big samle, and named view

I could do a sketch of what I'm thinking of, if necessary.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 12:59
by Fabrice
slowtiger wrote:I could do a sketch of what I'm thinking of, if necessary.
Yes, please. :)

For sure, we need to improve some stuffs like this. But there will be no release date yet.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 13:04
by slowtiger
Actually I'm quite thankful not to have another new version soon since I couldn't afford the upgrade right now ...

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 16:19
by slowtiger
Here's a quick sketch of what I thought of.
picker1.png (27.17 KiB) Viewed 25311 times
picker2.png (21.93 KiB) Viewed 25311 times

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 16:25
by Fabrice
Thanks. :)

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 05:55
by Svengali
In the short term, youngmonkey's Picture Palette might be a good interim solution for what you are proposing. Have you tried it? It's very simple to capture and save any part of the screen as palette so samples like you show would be easy to design and grab...

Better palette tools are long overdue. The insert/delete, wrap-around nature of the current color bin is frustrating but I don't see an obvious fix... perhaps each row of colors could be independently edited???

One thing I'd argue strongly for is the simultaneous display of the color palette bin AND the color sliders. I am constantly wasting time having to swap between the two when tweaking existing colors or mixing up new ones.

For my purposes I have also devised two color-palette scripts, one to insert, another to retrieve (APen and BPen) color pairs, from or to the palette bin, as a single operation. Because the color palette bin squares are so small I included in the picking script, a filter that requests to color pick again in cases where R=64 G=64 B=64 (the divider color) is accidentally picked :D.

I've also discovered that I use and depend on the Hue Saturation and Lightness sliders as much as, or more than, the RGB sliders for mixing and adjusting color which is why I requested two new George commands to store and retrieve color as H S L values.


Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 09:22
by Paul Fierlinger
Sandra mixes her colors 80% of the time by placing certain primary colors on separate layers and then uses the layer's transparency slider to "mix" them together, after which she picks the result she likes with the A pen and creates a Custom Panel button. The Picture Panel you mention was her invention which years ago she had asked the youngmonkey dhomas tren to create, so once she settles with a set of colors she comes up with in the layers panel for a certain character, she creates a PP of the character which she can carry from project to project. This is also the reason she needs three monitors; her GUI is always crammed with large rows of Custom Panel palettes and 9 picture palettes. Her problem then becomes heavy, heavy projects because those Custom Panels use up a lot of memory. TVPaint needs a Picture Palette of its own because youngmonkey won't develop them further since not enough people are buying them.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 18:31
by malcooning
Svengali wrote:One thing I'd argue strongly for is the simultaneous display of the color palette bin AND the color sliders. I am constantly wasting time having to swap between the two when tweaking existing colors or mixing up new ones.
I agree, the current layout is causing some fatigue. Maybe this will change in the future, if the interface evolves to a dockable nature, by which you should be able to drag each of the tabs to separate windows. Or at least open 2 instances of the color panel.
Svengali wrote:youngmonkey's Picture Palette might be a good interim solution for what you are proposing.
From the experience I had with it, I loved it. I was so surprised it was not a native feature in TVP. Beyond being almost everything you wish for from a palette, it is well integrated into TVP.
Paul Fierlinger wrote:youngmonkey won't develop them further since not enough people are buying them.
I think $35 is a lot of money for this. If he sold it for, say, $12 a piece, I would have bought it on the spot, and I think he would have had many others buying it too.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 18:46
by Paul Fierlinger
I have brought this up in the past many times with dhomas but he has his own ideas about pricing. I must say though, that all his plugins are flawless; never a bug and never a crash.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 19:02
by malcooning
Paul Fierlinger wrote:I have brought this up in the past many times with dhomas but he has his own ideas about pricing. I must say though, that all his plugins are flawless; never a bug and never a crash.
I can imagine this, judging by the Picture Palette.
His sales could also benefit greatly from a total re-design of his online shop.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 19:14
by Paul Fierlinger
Same thing; many a times have I brought that up, but he couldn't see these things through the eyes of others; it's a certain order that is somehow clear to him alone.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 22:36
by Peter Wassink
slowtiger wrote:Here's a quick sketch of what I thought of.
that would indeed be a big improvement .
...but for now... why not use the mixer instead of the bin?
it takes a few more steps to set up but you have to generally do it only once for each project and then its works really nice. ... 686#p39563" onclick=";return false;

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 22:39
by Peter Wassink
malcooning wrote: if the interface evolves to a dockable nature,
wasn't the concept of docking tabs patented by adobe? :evil:
I think thats so wrong and still can't understand how its possible that one company can own such a basic design solution.

its like having the patent to cardboard tabs in real life folders.

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 01:26
by malcooning
Peter Wassink wrote:wasn't the concept of docking tabs patented by adobe? :evil:
I think thats so wrong and still can't understand how its possible that one company can own such a basic design solution.

its like having the patent to cardboard tabs in real life folders.
It's well stinky. It's amazing such "patent" was even considered . Well, after Adobe won a couple of millions in a lawsuit against Macromedua, Macromedia filed against Adobe and won twice the amount of the first course case. After several year Adobe bought Macromedia for much less. this is how to shut up competitors. Amazing the little spine that runs in that level of business.
anyhow, the patent is pending as there was prior art in this type of GUI.
Adobe sucks. But to say the truth, I don't know if I would have acted differently if I was in their shoes.
things seen from here are not seen from there,

Re: Colour bin: bigger colours, names

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 09:44
by chatbraque
Very interesting topic …

… On an other (similar) thread Peter Wassink is pointing out a nice feature…
viewtopic.php?f=9&p=39565#p39565" onclick=";return false;

this way of picking up colors via a picture is great… and I use it very often with other softwares
… maybe better in TVP, because you are not even obliged to use a shortcut …

However, here is my "little" wish (as an improvement) :
"A little hand close to the color picker… that might allow the user to scroll within the picture"