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Please add in an tablet 'stabilizer' feature.

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 21:26
by StarChan
Hi, I was wondering if you can add in a feature call a tablet 'stabilizer'? It's a feature that lets you draw smoothly and control the speed of your strokes. I don't know how to clarify on what do I mean by 'stabilizer'. But the 'stabilizer' feature is from another program call Systemax SAI. Developers/Programmers please download the program, draw, and play with 'stabilizer' feature from SAI. I think it's a critical feature too add for TVPaint. I only see this feature only in Japanese drawing apps such as SAI and Illustudio but not in any western drawing programs." onclick=";return false;

Re: Please add in an tablet 'stabilizer' feature.

Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 00:42
by Paul Fierlinger
Try Shape Settings Panel (under "Windows" in the main menu) and click "Activate" on. Set smoothing to your liking.

Re: Please add in an tablet 'stabilizer' feature.

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 16:30
by Fabrice
Paul is right, it's already in the software, even if it's not the same as SAI 'stabilizer'.

Re: Please add in an tablet 'stabilizer' feature.

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 06:48
by Elodie
I move the topic, as the feature request is already included in the software.