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Lots of Discussion About TVPaint @ CGTalk, Mirage, etc.

Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 04:08
by Greg Smith
There's a huge controversy about who owns the technology, but everyone seems to be supporting the TVPaint claims over there at CGTalk. Great opportunity to promote the superiority of the new TVPaint over the under-developed Mirage. Somebody needs to clear up the "law suit" claims that the Mirage CEO is putting forth over there.

Personally, I don't care who is winning, I know which software does what I need it to do -- that's TVPaint. Viva la TV Paint! Long live the Revolution!


Greg Smith


Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 09:32
by donbartolo
hahah. I totally agree.
Having a license is not enough.

(Even) a soft needs a spirit. And you can feel the animator's spirit in the air when opening tv-paint. what i really didn't felt with mirage...