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How to set camera exactly to projekt-size?

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 09:04
by Animark

when I use the normal camera tool (not FX keyframer or multiplane) I have to click one time in the project view to set the start position. I often need to start with the exactly size and position of the project (e.g. to zoom in). Is there a way to set the start position exactly to the project size WITH ONE CLICK / COMMAND?

At the moment I never hit the middle point of the project with the "click" and have to manually correct the x and y positions of the cam frame.

Thanks from Animark

Re: How to set camera exactly to projekt-size?

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 09:07
by Elodie
Wait for TVPaint 10 :mrgreen:

Re: How to set camera exactly to projekt-size?

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 17:50
by Animark
:roll: ... :mrgreen:

Re: How to set camera exactly to projekt-size?

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 21:55
by Elodie
In fact, in the version 10, when you will click on the camera tool, you will automatically have the camera in the center of your project. And with the "passepartout" feature, you will see better the camera's point of view. There is a screenshot here : viewtopic.php?f=3&p=45710#p45699" onclick=";return false;

Re: How to set camera exactly to projekt-size?

Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 07:07
by Animark
Yes, I have seen the screenshots of V10. :-)
The passepartout-function is nice. Yesterday I teached my students how to make their own passepartout-brush with a few clicks to find the best camera-positions an a bigger background. I commisioned them to do a "simple" cam-movement with 4 cam positions: slow in - stop 1 sec - slow out - slow in - stop 1 sec - slow out. Nobody got that with the camera-tool. I've shown them, how to do that with a combination of different keyframers. In the end they said - yes, we can do everything in TVPaint, but for the cam moves, we should use After Effects ;-).

So, the new cam functions are really welcomed, but it's only halfway for a really strong cam tool - in my opinion.