Camera shake

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Camera shake

Post by idragosani »

Is there a way to use the new camera tools to emulate a camera shake, like someone bumping the camera and causing it to shake for a few frames (not an ongoing shake, just a brief one). I tried using the 'shaker' motion FX but I can't get it to shake the entire camera view the way I want it to. Is there a way to apply that shaker FX to the camera itself?
Brett W. McCoy --
TVP Pro 10 : Intel i7 2600 3.4 GHz : 8GB RAM : Ubuntu Studio 14.04 : Cintiq 21UX
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Re: Camera shake

Post by ZigOtto »

why not ?
if you set 2 extra-positions, say 1 offset left-side, the other rightside, the middle being the normal (steady) camera position,
(check if the extremes won't go outside the project area), then "draw" the time/pos. profile of the camera something like this :
CamShaking.png (7.66 KiB) Viewed 6714 times
tweek the motionBlur value if you want to, and render it in a new project,
after some tests (trial and error method), it shoud make the trick, I think.

ps: for more realistic "shake" kicked camera effect, you can rotate a bit the extreme pos.,
one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. 8)
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Re: Camera shake

Post by idragosani »

Oh that's perfect, I didn't even know that existed! Didn't see it in the docs, but I probably just didn't look hard enough.

EDIT: I watched the camera tutorial by lemec and got the details on how to make this work.
Brett W. McCoy --
TVP Pro 10 : Intel i7 2600 3.4 GHz : 8GB RAM : Ubuntu Studio 14.04 : Cintiq 21UX
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