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Elements Panel?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 18:12
by nwnm8r
Hello, there used to be an 'Elements Panel' in Mirage, is this option, or something like it, still available in tvpaint? There was an 'effect' in this panel called 'Zap' I want to use. does it exist anywhere else?

Re: Elements Panel?

Posted: 27 Dec 2011, 15:08
by Fabrice
Welcome in the TVPaint forum nwnm8r,

"Element" is now back to its original name : "George".
So you are looking for a panel of "George scripts". (previously "Elements scripts" during the Mirage days)

Most of them (already here before the Mirage days) are now a part of the Creation Pack : ... tvpacp.php" onclick=";return false;
"Zap" is one of them.

Re: Elements Panel?

Posted: 27 Dec 2011, 20:52
by nwnm8r
Great, thanks! I have been wondering what this 'George' talk was all about as well!